nightmares- stucky

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mainly based off of the picture above. credit to The Little Hero AU.


To be honest I was scared to fall asleep, I either woke up screaming with steve trying to hold me down or to steve screaming and me rushing over to hold home down. Not that i would ever admit to it though. I usually stayed awake at night, only resting by accident. The nightmares were just too much, mostly consisting of me killing the one person i care about. Sometimes i wish we could go back to our small apartment in brooklyn, where the only thing i had to worry about was keeping steve alive and out of trouble.

"Hey Buck, it's getting late we should probably go up to bed." Steve dragged me off my spot on the couch as I checked the time. 1:38am. Only 5 hours and 22 minutes until the alarms went off. I could do this.

"What are you thinking about?" The sound brought me back to reality and we were at the door to our room.

"Nothing important."

"Okay." He didn't seem convinced and gave me cautious looks until we were both in bed, turning off the lights.

"Night Stevie."

"Night Buck."


I was surrounded by people screaming but the only thing i could focus on was the innocent face in front of me.

"Please bucky, I know you're in there. You don't want to do this. just listen to me. please bucky, please."

(if you are a maze runner fan i am sorry)

*possible trigger warning (graphic)
I continued to ignore his cries. He sounded desperate, he tried to run in a last attempt to stop what was happening. I didn't really know what was happening, that was until I noticed the loaded gun in my hands. I tried to stop myself but I kept raising the weapon higher and higher. I knew what would happen, it happened every night I tried to stop it i really tried but my will wasn't strong enough. i heard the gunshot and knew it was over. I ran over to see if there was anyway i could save him, he was just barely alive. It was horrifying. People started to surround him, each one tearing him apart. The only things i could hear were his screams of pain as everyone ripped him apart, limb by limb. Blood around and his screams got louder. At first I tried to run over to help him but the screaming got to much.

"Steve. I'm sorry. " I yell, tears running down my face. I ran away, but the screams only got louder. I fell down on the ground in agony, covering my ears. Nothing helped. I could do nothing to stop it.


"NO!" I shot up from my bed, my voice raw, my throat sore, my face wet with tears.  I still felt like I was in the dream, everything was dark and I kept yelling for Steve. The next thing I know strong arms are wrapped around me, I couldn't tell at first if it was friendly or not so I struggled, thrashing and kicking.

"Hey, buck. It's okay, it's just me. Please calm down, your safe now okay, I won't let anyone hurt you." I melted into his embrace trying to calm my racing heart. I could still hear the screams in the back of my mind.

"I-I'm so sorry St-Steve, I- It, it was so bad. So real." I buried my face into his chest, letting out muffled sobs as he held me closer.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I looked up at him and nodded my head. He climbed in my bed next to me and I curled up into his side. I tried my best to tell what happened, the images flashing in my mind. I got to the end and I couldn't breath, I knew it was just a dream but something about it felt like it would happen, I was scared- no terrified of hurting Steve.

"Sometimes i feel like the soldier is still apart of me, like i will never get rid of him. I can still remember every face of every person he killed. I- I just don't want you to end up being one of them." Steve just held me tighter. and once again i was a mess, tears stained my cheeks, my clothes were sticking to me with sweat, my eye were red and puffy, and Steve stayed there through it all.

"bucky, look at me. You are not the winter soldier anymore, you are James Buchanan Barnes and- and I love you." I tensed after that. He loved me??? My crush since childhood just admitted that they loved me. I didn't know how to respond properly, and i obviously took too long to try. "it's fine if you don't feel the same way. i just thought i should tell you, sorry if i m-"

"Just shut up and kiss me." I wrapped my arms around his wait and sat up on his lap, leaning closer until our lips connected. At first it was slow and loving but quickly grew into a more passionate kiss. Letting out all our feeling since the 1940s. I eventually pulled away, needing to breath, and immediately missed the feeling of his lips on mine.

"You don't know how long i have been waiting for that." Steve gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and i hummed in pleasure, once again resting my head on his chest.



"Would you want to possibly be my boyfriend?"

"Of course I would Stevie!" I placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Pulling away slightly until he brought me back for more.

"Till the end of the line."

"Till the end of the line." I fell asleep again to the rhythm of his heart, and for the first time In a long time i had no nightmares.

word count: 1039

I really have to come up with more creative titles... oops. So i finally finished this one-shot. sorry if it's a bit crappy but at least it's something. I thought it was really cute so yeah.... i might post another part today or tomorrow. :)

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