Not As Easy.

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So, this is my Second upload. Hope you like it :).

Not as Easy



So the name's Annabelle I'm a daughter of 3 other sibling's. I'm a really quiet girl and isn't really the best looking but could be if she wanted. don't get the wrong idea i'm not even one of those girly girl types! I'm really short but not a midget, i'm tanned got long brown hair and a messy fringe. I ain't really the cleanest freak but i hate messy environments. I have 2 brothers and a sister i'm like the in the middle my brothers are called Jake and Sam.

I enjoy music so much and has talent beyond, until my wicked mother abandoned me and my other brother's and sister due to financial problems. We found it really hard to cope since we were just children and have no possible place to go. Until I Annabelle happened to see my Godmother/Aunt at an Old Petrol station. She took care of me but then that's where my life turn's around.

Chapter 1

I always had to take responsible for everybody's mistake's even when I wasn't even the oldest. Sam's was the oldest and Jakes was the second oldest. Then my little but rude sister Eliza. She might seem kind but is one of a spoil brat, but you got to love her. I've always wanted to just live my dream as a musician and go to high school and such. But my family was too poor for that.

The reason why was because It all happened when i was on the busy streets performing one of my favourite jazz songs. James brown - I Feel good, whilst my two brother's were playing the drums and saxophone and my younger sister playing the piano. We have been performing on the streets for about 3 years now. Since our family was very third world.

We normally performed in the cold mornings going to the warm, cool afternoons because more people are having a break from work. And would probably stop by to watch. Well those who do work. A lot of people gathered around enjoying our performance singing and dancing along...until we checked the box that we placed for them to put the money in and only found £1. Every time we didn't earn enough money it's either we go back out and reach our target money otherwise we faced the consequences from my mother. Our target money was at least every time we performed our target money was at least £50. If we got less, my mother would make us sleep outside on the cold dusty platforms. Whilst she would be inside In her warm comfy bed.

I was very good with instruments, i could play nearly every single common one and even sing at the same time. Just that sometimes i got really shy when a lot of people watched me. Sometimes it came to times where we hardly got any money at all to give to our mother for her needs and our needs but mostly hers. She said she needed it the most but i didn't urge to argue.

I am a very religious person but just don't show it, especially to my family since everyone was an atheist. Not that there was even anything wrong with being one but just that i always had to believe in something for it to be true. Well that's my opinion.

Since we didn't get no money the following day. The next day we planned to go back out and reach our goal I couldn't sleep on the cold floor at all. We all couldn't so we went back out to go play and sing since it was .only just 7pm. Not a lot of people were around at these times but we made sure we went to every single corner of our street. There we sat in our spot that we usually sit, and played our music to a minimum level.

Once again we didn't reach our goal, but we got more money than before. We kept trying and trying until someone stole our money we gathered up from all that hard work. It made me want to give up on life and just be a housewife. But music was something I desired. Wasn't going to let a few thing's prevent me from getting somewhere far.. Or was I?

The clouds began to sway away, and the sky changed as the sun settled. It was quite dark now. So we all went back home, holding hand by hand making sure we we're all safe. Finally, after a 20 minute walk we finally arrived home. We would of made it on time earlier if Jake wasn't so fat !

Just as we were about to step in, we saw our few possessions thrown out onto the house pavement. We had no idea why she would do such a cruel thing, was she kicking us out? If so I was only a 16 year old girl where could I possibly go or stay? I wasn't an educated teenager aswell, that much but from time and time I stole books from the public library. But that certainly couldn't make up for it.

We started to bang on the door mercilessly, she shouted from behind..

" if you dare bang on the door again i swear i will cut you to pieces and feed you to the unfortunate, the reason why you are banished from coming to this house is because you do not raise enough money for me, now move!"

Although we were all hurt we just listened and made our own way, where could we possibly go now?

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