Then the Reverse Flash ran towards me and punched right into my stomach, sending me back and on the floor.

It put me in a slight daze before everything went completely black.


I was tied up, but with my super strength I would normally be able to break out of them but with the dog collar around my neck I didn't see any point trying.

For now I was just human, and it sucked.

"Is everyone alright?" I heard Oliver day which caused me to roll my eyes and reply "Yes, being tired up is fucking alright."

We all managed to stand and turned to see Eobard Thawne clapping his hands as he stood on the podium beside us.

"Thawne." I muttered through my teeth. Whenever I saw it even thought about him all I could think about was him taking Amelia away from me and the anger in which came from that.

"Well, here we are. This is fun, for me. Not so much, for you." He leaned down closer to Barry and I.

"All the times you've killed me and now here all I have to do is kill you both once." I felt my fists ball up almost ready to knock out a bitch.

"Enough Eobard. Enough." I turned to see the bad Kara walking towards us. She was another bitch I wanted to knock out.

"Now I know what it feels like to hate myself."

"I can't relate to that at all." I whispered to myself.

"Well done." I looked behind her to see Oliver, well the bad one walking towards us.

"It wasn't a problem." Evil Kara said before dropping to the floor. I was too focused on Eobard who was above me to notice the conversation between evil Kara and Oliver.

I turned my head back around when they stood.

"Star Labs is secure."

No. They can't get Star Labs! They can't.

"If you hurt my friends..." Barry said.

"I did hurt your friends, I really enjoyed hurting your friends." Evil Oliver said stepping towards us and it made my blood begin to boil with anger.

"Are they alive?" Oliver asked and the bad Oliver replied with "Yes, yes for now. We need your Karas cooperation. Well we don't need it but it would be preferable but for the time being you are more valuable as leverage."

"What do you want my sister for?" Alex asked.

"To save my life. That's your listless mission statement isn't it?" Bad Kara asked our Kara turning to her.

"Help people, save lives Well now's your chance." I rolled my eyes at what the evil Kara had to say.

"The general is dying."

"Her blood. She's been exposed to too much solar radiation." That's what Alex discovered when she looked through the microscope.

"Yes, like Icarus I flew too close to the sun."

"But we can save her, we're going to save her. All we need is a new heart and luckily on this planet we've found the perfect donor." I filled as they looked at Kara.

"You stay the hell away from my sister!" Alex demanded with a very dark tone in her voice, filled with anger.

"Hmm, such loyalty. My sister tried to kill me."

"She's not the only one blonde." I replied to her.

"That's why you stole the prism, so you could duplicate a red Sun, weaken Kara and cut into her?" Barry asked.

"Can't make an omelette with invulnerable eggs." I rolled my eyes.

I noticed a little whispering going on between the two Oliver's but the Nazis walked away and the robot from before open fired on us.

And it all seemed to be black again.


I got up from the ground as quickly as I could.

"I had this awful nightmare." I said before looking around. I was surrounded by walls of fence.

"Okay, so it actually happened." I said to myself whilst looking around.

"Where's Kara? They're gonna kill her." Alex said as she was getting up from the floor.

"It's okay we're gonna get her back." I nodded at what Sara said. We all looked around and tried to discover where we actually were.

But I knew by just looking at the people around us in stripy jumpsuits and looking as miserable as ever.

Then I heard Sara say "We're on Earth X."

And I returned that with a

"Oh Shit."

Sorry but is it just me who loves the intro for Crisis on Earth X?

Yeah it is. Okay thought so okay bye.

Bang Bang - Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now