Leaving For Tour

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Luke: "Luke" you giggle as he leaves a trail of butterfly kisses along your jaw, he wraps his arms around your waist, his lips moving up to nip at the skin behind your ear

He sighs and drops his head to your shoulder "I don't want to leave you" he mumbles, in between kissing your collar bones "Luke we talked about this" you mutter, lifting his face from your shoulder

"I'll be fine, don't worry" you soothe, stroking his cheek, he lets out another long sigh and nuzzles his head against your neck "but I won't" he whispers

You know he's crying then, you can feel the warm tears on your neck and the slight quiver of his shoulders shaking "Luke please don't cry, you'll make me start too, and then we'll just be one great big mess" you say softly, but you're voice is already cracking, tears seeping into your eyes.

Michael: "Babe, I have to go now, or else I'll miss my flight" Michael murmurs, he strokes your hair, his green eyes watery "can't I come with you?" You sniff "(Y/N) you've got your exams coming up, you know you can't" he sighs

"I don't want to do my exams, I wanna be with you" you whimper "aw baby I know, but you need to do them, so you can graduate" he mumbles "but Michael" you whine "but nothing, look I promise you I'll be back before you can say Jack Robinson" he states, placing his hands on your hips

"Jack Robinson" you giggle "you're a cheeky little thing" he grins, pressing his lips to yours.

Ashton: "I'll call you when we land okay? Don't forget, just keep your phone on" Ashton rambles as you walk towards the boarding gate "it'll be like four am here when you land Ash" you chuckle

"But then how am I meant to call you?" He whines "don't worry I'll try and stay up" you assure him "no no its okay, I don't want you to stress yourself out, I'll just call you later" he exclaims

You reach the gate and he turns to you "oh god, I don't want to leave you" he murmurs "Ash I'll be fine" you say softly, hugging him tightly, he nods, stroking your hair "I love you baby" he whispers

"I love you too...oh you're gonna make me cry Ash" you mumble against his shoulder, he lets out a shaky laugh and slowly pulls away from you.

Calum: "Scarlett, daddy's got to go now, but I'll be back soon okay? And I'll bring you lots and lots of presents, and I'll be back for your birthday and Christmas and new years okay? And when your little brother is born, I'll come back as well" Calum says softly, setting your eight year old daughter down

"Can't I go with you daddy?" Scarlett sniffs "no baby, you've got school" he explains,  stroking her hair "but what about Christmas vacation?" She asks hopefully "you know grandma is coming over to stay, all the way from Australia, and you know mommy can't fly out because the new baby is going to come soon" Calum says patiently

Scarlett sighs and skulks off to her room "it's so hard leaving you guys" Calum mutters, coming over to you, he wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your head "but my mom should be here soon, she'll help you out...I feel like such a crap husband for leaving you alone with Scarlett when you're pregnant" he mumbles

"Cal, stop it" you murmur, he pulls away and presses his lips to yours firmly "I love you" he whispers "I love you too" you breathe.

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