Chapter 1: A Strange New Land

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It was a night to remember. I was stuck outside in the pouring rain with my clothes soaked and cold. The freezing water ran down my back, as I shivered, my eyes slightly watering from the cold wind. Forget the bus I stupidly thought, walking down back to my house. It was late and the cold black night watching over me in the dark, gave me an idea that wouldn't last long. I got to the front of my door, turning the keys and getting through the door as quick as I could. The house was dark and quiet, the idea came back to me like a flash and I knew what to do. I got out a couple of candles and a lighter, not sure if this would work or not.

I'm doing this because I want to find someone, something. Recently someone at my school went missing. The part of them left was a black crystal, a large one indeed. Glowing a greenish colour from its stem. Clearing my mind, I remembered that I took a fragment of the crystal with me. I took it out and placed it in the middle of the candles. Closing my eyes, I hear some sort of whispering sound, resonating throughout my mind, making my eyes slightly hazy. I shake a head a bit to see if that would help, and just continue on with what I'm doing. My sight started to clear up as I awakened again. A giant portal appeared in front of me while I could hear outside, chaos... a storm.

Stunned, I'm still on the floor watching the circling portal spin and spin. It was like I was hypnotized, but I was staring at a glowing circle. I shake my head, getting up from my rough position I hear the storm fade away from my ears. I walk slowly to the portal and put my hand through it, I quickly pull my hand out of the portal looking at my hand, holding a soft liquidy bubble filled with colour. It burst with a single pop. A splash of colour flowed all over me and freaked me out, causing me to jump a bit and lose my balance, falling into the portal.

I woke up drenched, in a lake or a pond filled with a bright colour. I look around seeing a ring of people, creatures, and other beings around the pond I was currently mindlessly sitting in. I freaked out and stood up in a panic, water dripping from my saggy, drenched clothes "What the-" I whispered under my breath panicked, I slipped back in the pond with a splash. I could hear the sound of laughter everywhere around me. I internally screamed in my mind, regretting all my life decisions. I looked down to the water and slowly pushed myself off the ground with shaking arms. I sighed and dragged my feet across the pond, making an attempt to leave, and hoping the laughter would die down, which thankfully it gradually was. Even when the sound died down, I felt I was being watched by everyone, ashamed of where I was I just walked until I had nowhere to go, making me end up in a forest, which I could barely see into. But being me I didn't see the red warning flags and just decided to go in anyway, the coldness of the forest hitting my skin as I enter, causing me to shiver and a tingling feeling to run down my spine. I felt as if I was being watched again...My anxiety started kicking in like a surge of electricity through my heart, causing a jolt to go throughout my body, making me lose my balance and falling to the hard, cold ground. I wanted to cry, scream, say anything for help but all I did was crumble on the ground. My eyes grew tired of my experience here and fell asleep.

I wake to hear the sound of footsteps coming towards me, slowly, crushing twigs and leaves under its feet, heart pounding, I stay on the ground, and try to be as still as humanly possible to look like I'm dead so they could just go away and leave me the hell alone, but I guess they could hear my deep and rapid breaths, that I was trying my hardest to keep in. I felt a slight poke on my leg, causing me to slightly twitch, they than poked again, I shut my eyes tighter, still trying to play dead, then they stopped. Causing my heart to stop as well, I desperately wanted to open my eyes to see if they were gone, but I was too scared. I ever so slightly open my eyes to see a long black fluffy looking tail in front of me, I could see them bend down with their ripped black jeans with bright pale skin in front of my eyes "I can see your awake there," A soft voice spoke, causing my cheeks to be dusted with a light shade of pink, with embarrassment. Oh, heckity heck... I get up from my spot dusting myself off still looking down at the dirt-filled ground and then I felt a cold hand on my chin slowly lifting my head up making me look up at his face. His face was pale, with slightly worn white bandages covering his eyes, making me question how he could see, and some also surrounding his neck. His skin looked smooth and soft, making me kinda wanna poke his cheeks and he had long elfen like ears decorated, and spotted with black earrings. I blink in surprise gazing at his damp, fluffy looking sace-green hair. "You're cold, come I'll take you back to my place oh- and take this" He took his big blue hoodie off and handed it to me for warmth. I hesitated and stood there like an idiot, questions, and thoughts rapidly making their way in and out of my mind. Who the hell is he? Why is he doing this for me? Why ME? WHY AM I HERE?? WHERE IS HERE?! As these thoughts surround my mind, I unknowingly just stood there staring at him like the absolute dufus I was. He tilted his head and came next to me and wrapped his big fluffy tail around me slowly pulling me towards him, forcing me to come back down to earth. He then began to walk out of the forest dragging me along with him.

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