One-shot book

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Hi this is our one-shot book where we will write down one-shots and silly though and ideas. 

You can request fanfics by sending us a DM and making it like this: 


I want it to ba a reader x Jimin and i want them to be best friends but the like each other and then they confess at the same time on Valentine's Day // Anonymous or Gummysmileactivated 

This is a very simple example but you dont have to write much just the plot and if you want a special ending, we will include what you sent in but you choose if you want your name on it and its okay if you don't just write anon at the end so we know.

We will at the moment not write smut (sry).

There will be slow updates sorry we are busy people but we have summer break soon so we can update more, this will hopefully not slow down our writing of our other books but we never know please bear with us and our slow updates it will be worth it i promise and hope.

// MaL & Gummysmile

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