48. Surprise

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"Mark, I'm here for you man, but maybe this isn't the best idea." Lucas said as he followed behind him around the side of the house. He exchanged a weary look with Jungwoo, who shrugged his shoulders in response.

Mark ignored them and banged on the back door of the house.

It opened abruptly by a perplexed Ten.

"What do you want?"

Mark shoved past him, followed by Lucas and Jungwoo. Paying no mind to the others who stood on alert as he entered, he made his way to the room tucked in the back that he had visited under different circumstances many times and flung the door open.

"You are a piece of shit." He said, aggression dripping from his tone.

Jaehyun stood from his chair and positioned himself in front of him. "What the hell is this, Mark?" He held his hand out and pushed Mark's shoulder back to keep him from going any further.

He swatted Jaehyun's hand away and ducked to the side to pass him. He loomed over the desk with fire in his eyes.

"You are low. Vile. The scum of the earth. Even knowing the kind of person you are, I never expected you would be such a bastard" Mark snapped.

Taeyong coolly raised his head from what he was reading in front of him. Mark vaguely sensed the other men standing by behind him, ready to step in at any moment.

"What are you talking about?" His voice was even and dismissive, casual enough that it made Mark burn with anger even more.

"I saw her."

Taeyong's eyes grew wide. He knew exactly who he meant without having to ask. The annoyed look morphed into one of disbelief before he caught himself and froze his features back into an icy stare.

"Stay out of it. It's none of your business."

"Look, I get it that you would rather keep her safe by staying away, but to just abandon her in her condition? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Stress is hard on her. Both her and the doctor told me she was fine and that it would pass." Despite his words he couldn't hide the worry on his face.

"It'll pass? That's it? You disgust me" He scoffed. "Sure, those 9 months will pass but what about after? Didn't you think about that, you selfish bastard?"

"What?" Taeyong's heart stopped. "9...months...?" He repeated. He stood and met Mark's eyes. "Tell me clearly what you're saying."

"She said the baby is coming really soon." He said flatly. "You expect her to raise a child on her own?"

Mark continued berating Taeyong without restraint, but the words faded away before they reached his ears. 

"Ba...by...?" he repeated softly, as if it was a foreign word he was speaking for the first time. The image of Yuna with an infant cradled in her arms flashed in his head. He pictured them standing alone in darkness and she wept as she gazed down at the sleeping baby. His baby.

His chest felt tight and his breathing was shallow. So many emotions flooded through him he felt like he would explode. Though it was never anything he planned for or considered before, the thought of he and Yuna having a child together gave him a sense of elation. Still, he felt shocked at the news, angry at himself for not knowing and for leaving them alone and angry at her for never telling him. He was beyond worried about how she was doing and if she was ok.

Mark had stopped talking by now and when Taeyong's eyes came back into focus, he realized they had been staring at him.

"Is she...ok?" He asked hesitantly.

Mark looked at him incredulously. He dared even ask that after abandoning her that way? But when he stopped for a moment to really look at him, he was a scared child. Mark saw Taeyong's face pale and how he anxiously clasped his hands in front of him and Mark felt a faint hint of pity.

"You don't get to do that. I'm not going to feel sorry for you after I've seen her condition with my own two eyes." He glared at Taeyong but his voice had softened. "She's not doing well."

The dazed expression on Taeyong's face faded at the words and his eyes zeroed in on Mark. He clenched his jaw, reached over the desk and grabbed the collar of Mark's shirt, yanking him forward so they were face to face. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the fabric.

"I've heard what you have to say, now stay out of it. I told you it's none of your business and there is no reason for you to speak on things that you know nothing about." His voice was low and he spoke through gritted teeth. "Tell me where she is and if I hear another word from you about it after that, I will detach your head from your body, send your headless corpse to your family, and decorate my office with your skull."

Mark could feel the sweat form along his hairline. Though the threat seemed like an exaggeration, he knew it was an all too real possibility. Taeyong was not the type to make empty promises. He forced his features to remain neutral, but couldn't hide the shiver that ran down his spine.

"Busan." He answered flatly.

Taeyong let go of his shirt and pushed him back before he headed out the door.

"Send me the address." He instructed as he left.

"It's a little late now" Mark called out defiantly.

"He didn't know, you idiot." Doyoung said from where he stood on the other side of the room.

"Of course not...how could he know she was having such a hard time when all he was thinking about was himself? Even if she was healthy, abandoning the mother of your child is just-"

"I mean he didn't know she was pregnant. She never told him."


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