23. Being Considerate

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Everyone seemed on edge at all times since they heard about Kyung Chul. The house seemed tense, quiet and secretive, while they all did their best to create an outward facade of perfect composure. Internally, however, their nerves were on edge.

Though she tried to appear as if she were at ease, Yuna had the hardest time with concealing her worry. She was anxious and overly cautious whenever she left the house. She constantly hovered around Da Reum, to his annoyance. She even went to the extent of forcing him to make a safety plan in case anything happened.

"Noona! This is ridiculous! I'm not a grade schooler walking home alone for the first time!" He shouted.

"I honestly couldn't give two shits if you think it's ridiculous or not, Da Reum. It's important." She flicked his forehead and he sucked in a breath through his teeth from the stinging sensation. "Now tell me what you're going to do if you get separated from Doyoung."

Despite her apparent eccentricity, she did her best to keep her younger brother from knowing as much as possible. Da Reum knew she was being secretive and was obviously worried so it was clear to him that something was going on, but trusted everyone when they told him it was just a precaution; an unfortunate work related hazard that just needed some extra caution until things were settled. He also had no choice because he knew when his sister cursed at him, it meant she was at her limit. When it was at that point, if he didn't listen to her he knew he might as well dig his own grave.

She was even more on edge whenever Taeyong left. She would smile and tell him goodbye but then she would stand at the window with her forehead creased with worry as she watched him drive away. Willing herself to focus on menial tasks, she would clean or cook but would get distracted and leave things half finished. She would sit down and try to read or play a game, but couldn't focus or sit still. She would often end up just pacing around until he came back, the whole time wondering if he would come home covered in blood again and the possibility that next time it would be his own.

When he came home, he felt guilty from the relief that showed on her face. She clearly worried about him, but didn't know that it was her who was in the most danger. Though the plan had been to wait to see what the others could find out about Kyung Chul's whereabouts, he couldn't actually sit around and wait. He, Ten and Winwin spent a lot of time checking on leads and asking aquaintences for information, or forcing information from people who they weren't on the best terms with. No one knew anything new, though, and Taeyong only became more anxious. His heart ached to see her fuss over him and worry about him when he felt like he wasn't doing enough to get rid of the root of the problem.

She had greeted him with a smile when he returned, as she usually did. She baked him cookies while he was gone. A gesture that was ordinary and sweet and considerate, but under the surface was a more complex motive to cope by keeping busy. He started to learn that the more she did little things like this, the more anxious she was. Her relief at his presence would manifest into a desire to be physically near him, while he would reassure himself by soothing and coddling her. They started to settle into a strange routine. Worrying for one another and trying their best to conceal it, but still feeding off of the comfort that they gave eachother. It eased the tightness in their chests just a little, but to Taeyong it wasn't enough. I have to do better was his only resolve.

He sat at the table as a spoonfull of ice cream passed his lips and melted over his tongue. He breathed a sigh of contentment at the cold, magical substance that helped to ease his stress.

"You didn't want my cookies?" She frowned as she sat next to him.

"I already ate them." He smiled. "Want some?" He scooped up some more and held the spoon in front of her mouth.

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