Chapter 5: Discovering the Luna

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(Blaze pov)


The past month has been spent training and ordering people around. We were getting prepared for war. Wolves against hunters. Me, Cara, Frost and Ky have been teaching the others combo moves. We’ve gotten some quiet moments together, but due to training not many. Puck has backed off. Cara was appointed leader of the little hunting squad that goes out.


“No no no no. You have to fake a punch here then knee him in the gut.” Cara pointed out showing them how to do it. I smirked a little.


“Cara come here. I think we’ll show them. Just a little bit of a spar. Unless you're chicken?” I smirked taunting her.


“It's on Blaze.” Cara says happily, eager to spar with me.


“Actually we were thinking of something more along the lines of boys versus girls right Frost?” Kyle says as he and Frost join us standing in the middle of the pack.


“We are gonna go easy on them aren’t we? I mean they are just girls…” Frost says smiling and giving a good laugh. Seriously… This guy can be such an ASSHOLE.


“Hey I take some offence to that. We may be girls but were strong and capable fighters. Just like you guys.” I said defensively


“Oh boo… it still doesn’t matter for the alpha’s attack power is twice yours and I’m still double that. Plus I’ve had 3000 years to perfect my fighting abilities since I was fighting demons since birth.” Frost heartedly says trying to stir up trouble. The nerve this guy has. If he doesn't watch it I'm going to flip.


“Frost stop taunting lets just begin the sparing.” Ky said. It was like he knew what was going to happen. I tried to clear my head of any thoughts.


“Fine. Well start. Get in your stances. Good luck girls. You will need it.” Frost said with a cocky grin. That’s it, it's on now. We broke off me with Frost and Cara against Ky.


Frost was fast… I mean like incredibly fast. He easily evaded all my attacks while still managing not to take his eyes off Ky and Cara… What was he doing? Was he waiting for something to happen in that sparring bout? Obviously he was on the defensive for a reason.


Ky was sparing Cara also defensively but I could tell that he was waiting for one thing only… For her to screw up. With each blocked attack she became more frustrated and desperate for a hit on Ky. She kept going harder and stepping toward him until she put her foot too far forward so she had no center of balance. Kyle of course noticed this so he slipped his foot behind hers and stepped forward with one hand gripping her shoulder and the other grabbing her ankle up and driving her hard into the ground, hard enough to knock the wind out of her.


While all this was going on I had backed Frost up only a step from the house, but when Frost saw Cara go down he wickedly grinned and laughed. Wait he laughed, why is he laughing I almost have him pinned at the wall.

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