Chapter 5

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Jimin POV

We walked to Jungkook's car and I was more then surprised, I kinda didn't eat the hint when he wore an expensive ass Gucci shirt to school. He drove a 85.500$ sports car to a public school, in a town known for crime. He's begging to get his car stolen. "Are you ok?" He asked for genuine worry ridden in his tone. "What" I shake my head out of my thoughts, "oh, ya I've just never even seen a car this nice, I don't come from a very nice childhood" I sadly state as we make it to his car. I step inside and I'm instantly drowning by his cologne that's still lingering from I'm guessing this morning. It's kinda terrible to say but it actually calms me down, his smell calms me down. He turns on the ignition and backs out of his space he was previously occupying.

To say I was nervous didn't even come close, I've never been to a boy/girls house ever. My parents would beat me if I did, and I didn't need any other excuses to not strip down for gym class. My class mates just think I have an iron deficiency, well that's what I tell them. I don't want them to ask questions. We were driving for a good hour and we ended up in the "rich" district of our town, there were mansion lining the perfectly paved streets. The farther we go the nicer the houses get, but we're nearing the end oh the little road through the neighborhood. 'How wealthy is this dude! Is he gonna end up being a spoiled brat that I can't handle anymore?' I think to myself as we drive up to a HUGE gate, with security and cameras.

"Hey Phil, hows the kids?" Jungkook asks very politely "they've been better, Jake has been having some stomach problems but overall we're doing good, thank you Mr. Jeon. Your parents don't care as much as you" I'm guessing Phil said very happily. Jungkook nods with an adorable smile. We pass security and enter a courtyard of sorts, there was a fucking water fall in the front of there house. With a lavish looking fountain two. I don't know what to do, I've never once ever believed I'd be in this part of town. I'm kinda scared, Jungkook could kill me and no one would ever think to look here. Considering what I wear and where I come from, not a fucking chance.

We step out of the car and I just gotta take everything in for a second, for some reason the air smells so much nicer here. Then again I'm used to cigarette smoke and whiskey where I live, along with the occasional cum smell from when my "parents" decide to have fun on our couch. I'm admiring the scenery when I snaps out of my thought with a hand snapping its fingers in front of my face. "I asked are you ok?" Jungkook asked me again, with an adorable smile I just squeeze his cheeks. 'Is that to much' oh fuck I'm blushing! God damnit "ya, I'm fine, I've just never been in Thais part of town and it's beautiful" I say wall looking at the ocean of stars above me. "Not as beautiful as you" 'wait what! Did he just say that' I look over at Jungkook and he's side eyeing me wall looking at the sky. I'm blushing like a tomato right now.

We walk inside and the inside is just as breath taking as the outside, there's no trash, no terrible smell. It smells like rose petals and lime zest? The floor is shiny just like it was cleaned not to long ago, the curtains are an expensive cotton maroon color. There were lavish pillows all over the couches, some black, some white but still beautiful. And when I say big, I mean big. My house alone could fit in his entrance hall, 3 times over. He walks me into the kitchen, and I'm agin taken back. The counters are an expensive granite and surgical grade steel refrigerator and sink etc. "what do you want for dinner?" Jungkook asks opening the fridge with a determined look at completion. "Ummm...I don't care, what ever you want" "home about Bulgogi, and kimchi over rice?" Jungkook asks looking back at me. "Ya that's fine I love Bulgogi!" I say with a wide smile on my face, showing my eye smile!

We walk over to the freezer and take out a medium chuck of beef, and take out a knife. Jungkook starts slicing the beef into thin slices and puts that aside. We toke out the required ingredients for the marinade and combined those in a bowl with the still frozen stake (Soy sauce, brown sugar, sesame oil, garlic, ginger, onion whites, pepper and sriracha). We let that rest for 40-45 minutes, I kinda lost track but I think that how long we watched the movie for. (Yes we watched Netflix wall we waited, got a problem. Ok sorry). We took out a large skillet and transferred the stake to the skillet, over medium-high meat. We spread the stake so it's evenly distributed over the pan face, we seared both sides and caramelized all of it together by the time both sides were seared. We played the dish along with already made kimchi and rice. And ate out food, and let me tell you that's the best food I've ever had. I ate my food faster then Jungkook's, we have been talking this whole time but honestly I don't remember any of it, all I remember is his beautiful smile and wonderful eyes. We finished eating and we cleaned and put away our plates. I looked at the time on my phone and I almost had a heart attack "11:14!!!" 'Oh my god omg oh my god oh my god' I'm gonna be killed tomorrow

"Hey! Are you ok! What's wrong?" "It's 11:14 at night, there's no way my parents are gonna not kill me, I have no where to go!!!!" I scream at Jungkook as he's looking at me like nothings wrong. "You could just spend the night and stay in my room, if you want" "are you sure? I don't wanna be a burden!" I ask frantically "Jimin your fine, you can just stay here" I take a deep breath at his words, I've known him 1 day and I'm staying at his house. "O-ok, Umm thank you, where am I going to sleep?" "You can sleep in my room, trust me it's a lot more comfortable hen the spare rooms" we walk up the stairs and he opens the door. It a beautiful room, no mess and ultimately just one color, white. Well there's some red, but other then that white, and I mean a nice clean white, not faded white or dirty white. It's like a beautiful pearl white. I don't have pajamas so I just slid right in after using one of Jungkook's spar tooth brush's. He comes out of he bathroom in nothing but sweats, I honestly don't even think he's wearing underwear 'ok Jimin calm yourself, it not like he would do that. Right?" He climbs into bed right next to me and turns off the light. "Goodnight" "Goodnight" we exchange goodnights and fall asleep with me basking in the thought of me sleeping next to one of the hottest guys i know.

'I wonder how many girls he's brought here'

OK!!! Thank you for reading this chapter, I had bad writers block so I had to sit in front of my screen and watch family guy for an hour before even a thought came to mind and then thought branched of that and ya!!! So enjoy the new chapter!
Oh and I am not Koran or have tried any Koran dishes, I have not be fortunate enough to try or even make Bulgogi so if I got anything wrong I am so sorry!!

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