Lee Hoseok: It was that Mark dude ewwwww I don't like him Y/N.......
~not sent

Lee Hoseok: Stranger Things happen

Y/N: Like meeting you

Y/N: Well I kind of met you I guess just never in person

Lee Hoseok: we have met in person, I'm Wonho
~not sent

Y/N: It was so strange bc you texted me randomly

Lee Hoseok: Hey babe, get ready tonight because I have a special present for you 💦

Y/N:Excuse me sir but I don't want your "special present"

Lee Hoseok: You sure about that?

Y/N: .....

Lee Hoseok: What if Wonho had a special present for you?

Y/N: Ima block you again if you don't stop hoe

Lee Hoseok: 💋

Y/N: 😴 looks like I fell asleep

Lee Hoseok: You're texting me, how are you sleeping?

Y/N: I have special wizardry powers

Lee Hoseok: Use your wizardry powers to teleport to me then

Y/N: No can do, looks like this wizard needs to charge her wand 

Lee Hoseok: Meanie

Y/N: :)

Lee Hoseok: Not to deepen

Lee Hoseok: or I guess sulk the mood or turn it down

Lee Hoseok: You know what I mean

Y/N: No

Lee Hoseok: like making high spirits to low spirits

Y/N: I still don't understand

Lee Hoseok: uhhh.....

Lee Hoseok: Wonho loses all his muscles situation

Lee Hoseok: which I'm sure would never happen ofc haha :3

Y/N: NO *gasps* NEVER

Y/N: you don't mean it right?

Lee Hoseok: I hope not

Y/N: do you know what a crisis that would be if he lost all his hot muscles?!

Lee Hoseok: no

Y/N: its like if a clothing store or a shoe store ran out your size.

Lee Hoseok: Like my underwear size?

Lee Hoseok: cuz that is really hard for me

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