17. j h o o t - a lie

Start from the beginning

     She took the road off the highway. He lived at the foot of the mountains where houses were secluded by miles between each other. The serenity enveloped the surroundings. The house encircled by tall trees. The ten-minute drive on the small road aligned by pine trees was one of the most beautiful she had seen in Exeter. And then his house was a haven, tucked between the trees. The outside decorated with wood with stones giving it a mountain home aesthetic, but the inside was as modern as the Downtown Exeter got.

     She knocked lightly on it and the carved rustic mahogany door opened. Gracing her with the most breathtaking sight. He was running his hand through the length of his wet hair as he held open the door with the other. His eyes blazing in the sunlight like shinning stardust. The rays swallowing the darkness of it and lighting it up like a shooting star she could wish upon. The scar on his otherwise perfect nose fully visible in the daylight. His tall figure towering over her, dressed in a navy blue crew-neck sweater and blue jeans. The sleeves slightly rolled up, putting a show of his veined forearms covered with the intricate ink.

     She was fucking starstruck.

     He was gorgeous, beyond gorgeous. He had that raw attractiveness, Looming with mystery and fierceness.

     Marry Me.

     His eyes crinkled in amusement as he raised his perfectly arched eyebrow at her.

     "I came to see Willow. You're blocking my way. Move." She pushed past him, huffing. Calm yourself, Despo.

     A low rumble of his laugh followed her as he closed the door. Why is it so hot all of a sudden? Does he not have AC in this big asś house.

     Walking to the window, she fanned herself. At the foot of the window, Willow was licking his paws lying in his bed.

     "Hey, little guy," Willow growled at her. Still not used to the sudden approach. "Sorry." She cooed. "I'm just here to see you. I got your food and pain medicine."

     "How are you?" His deep voice from close by. Avoiding his gaze she answered. Focusing on Willow helped her avoiding tactic.

     "Fine." She breathed. "I've got him medicine for pain. The vet gave the prescription. It's gonna be a little struggle since he is not used to us, but he needs it."

     She put aside her bag and pulled out the liquid medicine. Opening the bottle, she prepared it. Feeling his gaze on her, she swallowed the lump. As if he was trying to find what was different or wrong with her.

     She cooed and pet the cat, trying to prepare the furball, but when the time came the cat was rather violent. Trying to scratch her, snarling at. Right when she fed him the last drop, the cat scratched her left arm, hitting her paws over the fresh wound.

     "FUCK!" Dropping the cat in her bed, she staggered back. The cut on her arm burning like hot coals. "Damn it, Willow." She gritted her teeth as her eyes burned with hot tears.

     "What happened?" In a lightning second, he was in front of her holding her hand carefully.

     "Nothing." She said through clenched teeth as her breathing became heavy. "Just unexpected scratched."

     "That wasn't unexpected, Rabail." He stared into her eyes. A grim look crossing his face.

     She tried to snatch her arm from his hand, but he wrapped his fingers around her wrist. One menacing look from him and she shut up. He rolled up her sleeve and the white bandage wrapped around her arm was soaked with blood.

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