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Niecy POV

"Didn't I tell you to check on that patient in room 4" says Niecy

"Oh you mean that lady who keeps trying to grab my ass" says Terry

"Yes" says Niecy laughing

"You're a mean person" says Terry laughing as the phone rings

"Hello Grady hospital" says Niecy"...Okay we'll be ready" as she hangs up

"They have a gunshot victim coming in"says Niecy"Get ready... Doctor Tran!"

"Yeah...I'm awake" says Doctor Tran coming out of the office and whipping her eyes

"Gun shot victim two shots on in the side and one in the upper leg" says Niecy putting gloves on

The EMTs come flying through the door.

"We need to get her stabilized she is losing a lot of blood" says the EMT

There was a girl next to them the wouldn't leave the victims was Sha...

"Baby, stay with me okay" says Sha"Fuck!"

Its Kehlani she was pale and covered in blood. She kept gasping, I went cold and one of the nurses told me to sit down but I could barely hear her. I took a few breaths and got myself together. I had to take care of Sha.

"What happened baby girl" I say hugging her

She was stiff and she wouldn't speak. She had blood all over her, she looked mortified.

"He shot her..." Says Sha watching them take Kehlani away"Is she gonna die"

I didn't know what to say. Is don't even know her condition.

"Let's get you cleaned up" says Niecy

"No" says Sha crying

"Is she okay" says Dinah coming in the hospital

She had blood on her too but it wasn't as much.

"Sit here okay, you need to relax for the baby" says Niecy

She didn't say anything, she just sat down.

"What happened" I ask dinah

"Her and this dude in the club got into it" says Dinah breathing hard and crying"when she stepped away from him he shot her in the side then in the leg. I should have done something"

At Camila and Normanis apartment

Normani POV

"Please get your phone babe" I say rolling over and kicking at her

"Yeah,yeah" says Camila picking up her phone"Hello"

"Dude something just happened to Kehlani" says Greg"I was skating past the club where their party was at and someone said she got popped twice. I got there when the ambulance was leaving"

"Stop playing man" says Camila sitting up

"I'm not fucking around, they went to Grady. I seen your old babysitter jump in her car and follow them" says Greg"I'm sorry"

I see Camila jump up and start getting dressed. Then start calling someone else and put it on speaker while she gets dressed

"le dispararon" says Camila

She only talks in Spanish when she is angry so I know something is up

"Who" says Fittz

"Kehlani"says Camila"dos veces papá.nos vemos en el hospital"

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