Atlanta or bust

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It's been a month since Kehlani left. I've had so much to do before I left here. My cousin is gonna get rid of all the work I had left. Normani is getting transferred to the same school as Camila and we got her in a college close by to finish her fashion design classes. They hardest part is leaving my mom behind. I know I can come and see her anytime but it still hurts. I don't like showing when I'm hurt. Most of the time I just push through with a smile or nothing at all.

"Are you ready" says Normani

"Yep, just wanna make sure ma is straight before we go" I say zipping up my bag

"She will be" says Normani" it's your turn to be happy Sha. You've been taking care of me since you were 13. You're meant to do more then this"

"So are you" I say

"It's time to show them how we do it in Texas" says Normani Smiling

"Yes ma'am" I say hugging her

I hear a knock at the door

"I'm here to take you ladies to the jet" says a guy in suit

"Okay" I say

"Ms. Parrish got tied up at the airport, she will be there when we arrive" he says"I'm Washington by the way, I'll put everything in the car for you"

"It's just those bags" says Normani

"Are you sure you got all that" I say

"Yes ma'am, that's my job" says Washington"I'll be your driver in Atlanta also. Let me walk you to the car"

He opens the door for us and this car is full of champagne, Snacks and anything else you could think of.

"We will be departing in about 3 minutes, make yourselves comfortable" says Washington shutting the door

"Is it too early to drink" says Normani holding up the bottle

"For you yes" I say snatching"You are not drinking"

"Smoke..."says Normani

"Bitch you should have done that before we left" I say"Calm yo fucking nerves"

"I'm just ready to see Camila" says Normani pouting

"I feel you" I say

"Are you ready to go ladies" says Washington getting in the driver seat

"Uh yeah" I say looking back at the house

I love Texas and everything here but it's time for a change. I won't forget you or what you taught me. It time to take my hustle somewhere else.

We drive for a while. We go to a part of the airport I never seen before. We drive right next to the plane. Washington gets out and opens the door for us.

"Hey guys"Says Kehlani

I'm was good to see her, it's only been a month but her company was nice.

"Hey" says Normani

"You can go ahead a take a look at the jet if you want" says Kehlani

"Definitely" says Normani running up to the jet going up the stairs

"What have you been up to, haven't heard from you in a week" I say

"Not letting anyone have what's yours if that's what your wondering" says Kehlani smiling

"You already know" I say laughing and giving her a hug"This is for just us"

"Yeah, Fittz is pulling out all the stops for you" says Kehlani"He just gave me a car and a your living large"

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