Self destruct

416 15 6

1 month later

Kehlani POV

Things have been going great. Sha's mixtape came out and she's been in New York doing shows and events for the last month. It's lonely sometimes without out her but I'm proud of her.

"Normani get up" I say knocking on her room door"You're gonna be late"

"It's a doctor's appointment not school" says Normani cracking the door"I can't find anything to wear...look at my gut"

"Normani you look fine" I say

"Fine I don't care anyway...let me grab some slides and we can go" says Normani walking into the living room"Have you talked to Sha"

"Not in awhile, she's always busy and stuff" I say playing with the keys in my hand

"Busy...that bitch" says Normani shaking her head

"What did you say" I say

"Nothing...let's go" says Normani

"Do you have class today" I say as we walk to the elevator

"No, I have a peice thats due tomorrow" says Normani"I might need your help again"

"I had fucking pin stabs over 60 percent of my body after I agreed to help you" I say getting in the elevator

"Lani, ya good bruh" says Metro leaning against the elevator wall

"Yeah, vro" I say

"I seen ya artist playing both sides" says Metro

"What are you talking about" I say smiling

"I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation but I need complete silence right now" says Normani touching her stomach"For the baby of course"

"That's yours bruh" says Metro giving me the side eye

"No, no,no" I say

"What part of that did y'all not understand" says Normani as the elevator stops

"I'll hit you up later" says Metro as we all walk out

"I wonder what that was about" I say

Normani POV

There's something Sha has going on that she's hasn't told Kehlani about. I don't wanna see her hurt so I will do everything I can to keep her from knowing. She can't find out like this.

At the doctor's appointment

"Do you have to come in here with me" says Normani

"Your minor ass girlfriend wants me to record the appointment while she's in school" says Kehlani" And your just a jit you dont remember what he says everytime"

"...I really appreciate you having my back while my sister's gone" I say

"It's all good, I told her I would" says Kehlani"My word is my bond"

"Your awesome" I say smiling

After the appointment Kehlani took me to get some fabric and some of things I needed for my project. We literally seen 5 different people trying to tell her the shit about Sha and Everytime I defected it.  I could tell she knows something is up.

"What's going on Normani" says Kehlani as we drive to get food"You are usually extra as fuck but not this extra"

"Nothing, I'm just hungry" I say as my phone starts ringing"Hello my love"

"Hey babe" says Camila"I'm on lunch and i wanted to check on you"

"I'm fine bae, Lani and I are heading to get food then going back to the house to get my project started"I say

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