Welcome To The Chaos... -2

Start from the beginning




When did she fall asleep?

       The last thing she could remember was sitting by the bed she waited for what seemed like hours as the sun hid behind the mountains. This worried her...what if her savior never woke? Her thoughts began to spiral as she held the owner's hand. Constantly trying to reassure herself that her savior was fine. Then...nothing.

       Aphmau could only remember bits and pieces of what the dream now that she's lucid, that young blonde child and the fact that she was seeing through eyes of a being that was definitely not quite human. Rubbing the sleep away from her eyes Aphmau notices that her bandages no longer seemed faintly of metal. Meaning someone had changed her bandages. From looks of it they must have lied her down on the bed, the smooth velvety covers that lied over her waist down basically confirmed her suspicions. It warmed her heart to know the ones that saved her had been very welcoming to someone of strange origin such as her.

      "...just your luck"

       Climbing out of the bed she straightened the covers back to how she imagined they should be. Slowly making her way out of the room and held the railing to stabilize herself as she made her way down the stairs. Trying to familiarize herself with the place she was bring taken care of in. Although it had been at least a week she only went to the guest room and the owner's room.

       The sound of clanking that was accompanied by a light sizzle caught her attention. An unique aroma hit her nose that she did not recognize. It wasn't anything herbal soup she had to endure the first few nights, till her stomach injury healed. Either way her stomach rumbled in response alerting the host right before she could make to the end of the stairway.

       "Did you rest well? You're up rather early for a person who's recovering."Estelle turns to her with a smile which strangely made Aphmau nervous.

She heard it...

How could she not? The rumble was so loud and deep any alert person would think it was a monster. Clearing her throat she tried to avert the attention away from her gluttonous behavior. This was becoming one of her worst first impressions.

"I slept well...how about you? I assumed you were more of a late riser."Her eyes fell upon the unique table setting in front of her.

A rose pattern laced the borders of the plate while a single rose lied in the middle. In all her days of travel she had never seen such a design. Must be an antic...Covering up the majority of the plate was a stack of food. The oval shaped disks looked soft in a way that they couldn't be broken easily. The color was a soft golden brown and the looked as fluffy as clouds.

"That's just the vacation mood, haven't had one if those in a while."Estelle sits down at one of the seats.

"Being a guard sounds like tough work..."

"It's a year around job."

She can cook...was written across her features. Estelle's guest was surprisingly easy to read as her expressions showed exactly what she was thinking. She found the honest personality a bit endearing on her guest. Most people liked to hide their true personality. Like Garroth with his helm reliance or Laurence with his flirty personality. Estelle had a preference for the cuter ones though...

"Today's the first day of getting you on a steady diet...is what Aestraea would say. I'm gonna give you something filling but tasty" Estelle seemed proud of herself in the kitchen as she was on the field.

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