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I dipped the cloth back inside the warm water that Tristian heated up for me and sprung it out. I took off my shirt and wrinkled my nose at how much dirt was collected inside my bra. I unclipped it and started to clean myself off. I dipped the cloth back inside the water and watched it turn brown.

I sighed and cleaned myself the best I could and put the shirt Tristian had given me. I balled up my bra and old shirt just as the door opened. Tristian gasped sharply and quickly turned his head away, closing the door halfway.

"I-I forgive me. I thought you were in the, uh, other room." Tristian quickly said, embarrassment clear in his tone.

"It's fine. I'm done."

Tristian slowly opened the door and held up a couple of bags. "I went back to your car and got your bags. No sign of Harry."

I smiled my thanks, taking the bags. I stuffed my dirty clothes to the bottom and cleared my throat.

"How's Drakon?" I asked. Tristian picked up the bucket of dirty water and paused by the door.

"He's fine. I fixed his arm and got it wrapped it up. Should be good as new in a couple of days. He's sleeping in my bedroom with Tom."

"How did you manage to fix his arm without any medical supplies?"

Without his mask on, it was easy to read his expressions. I knew my question hit a little close to home as his body tensed up and his eyes shifted. His lower lip rolled inside in his mouth and he shrugged.

"The, uh... The old woman taught me some of her spells, practices, rituals. It was only basic stuff but over the years, I picked up some tricks." He finally answered, turning back to head out.

"So you have like magic powers or something?" I asked, pushing deeper. I had this sudden wave of being pushy and I wanted to know everything. Tristian paused again and shook his head.

"Not exactly. To perform some of the spells or rituals doesn't require magic. When the old woman died, I gained some abilities like being able to move fast. I don't exactly understand why. I'm still figuring it out." He answered over his shoulder, walking out. I followed him.

"Wait, if the old woman is dead, how is the curse still in effect? And-And your immortality?" I asked as we went outside. Tristian poured the dirty water next to a tree and sighed, setting the bucket down.

"What's with the questions?" He asked softly, turning to face me. I crossed my arms over my chest and slowly shrugged.

"I just want to understand what's happening. If I have... some sort of chance of making it out alive—"

"You will," Tristian cuts me off, taking a step closer to me, "You will."

His determination in his voice made me feel safe but something in me told it was a lie; a hopeless statement. I wanted to believe in his words, in his abilities, but I knew it was useless. If he couldn't break a curse that has been haunting me for over hundreds of years, what made me think that in this life, he could? What made me think that it would be any different this time?

I knew there was nothing that could be done. Tristian had no answers. He had no way to stop it and I had to accept that.

I felt something wet slide down my cheek and my vision blurs. I blinked to clear it and quickly wiped away my tears. The lump inside my throat grew to the point where I was afraid it was going to cut off my airway. I swallowed hard and looked Tristian straight in the eye.

"If I don't, will you please look after Drakon?" I hoarsely whispered. Tristian shook his head and parted his lips. I quickly put my fingers over his lips and stepped closer until our chests touched.

"Drakon has no one else except me. When I'm gone, he'll be alone in this world. Please, for me, look after him. His everything to me and I won't be able to protect him as I should," I hiccupped and lowered my hand from his mouth, "Please."

Tristian's eyes glistened in the moonlight and his hands cupped my cheeks. He lightly bumped his forehead against mine and he shook his head.

"He won't be alone in this world. You will be here to protect him, to raise him, to love him. I promise you, you will be here." He whispered, his breath fanning my lips. I sniffled and put my hands over his, getting ready to argue with him when we heard someone slow clapping.

I gasped and Tristian quickly spun me around and put me behind him. I pressed my back against his back, looking everywhere for the source. Strangely it seemed like it was coming from everywhere but there was nothing out in the open until I heard it coming my right. I snapped my head in that direction, spotting Harry hanging from a tree before a sudden force pushed Tristian and I apart.

I didn't have a chance to scream for help when I collided with a tree. I hit the ground hard and groaned as sudden pain exploded through my body. I slowly rolled to my side, smelling the metallic blood. I looked up, my vision swirling and fading black around the edges.

I dropped my heavy head on the grass and sucked a deep breath in. I hissed as a sharp pain came from my side and I tried to roll over to my other side when a foot stepped over my shoulder and rolled me on my back. I blinked slowly, trying to make out the figure that blocked my view but all I was able to see were the black eyes and that creepy smile.

A glimmer of light caught my attention from Harry's hand but I wasn't able to catch what it was when something wet hit my face and Harry let out a piercing roar.

My eyes started to flutter shut but not until I saw a red hand sticking out of Harry's chest with something hanging out.

The Mask Man In The WoodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora