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"He didn't do anything else?" Belle asked, her voice just above a whisper as another nurse walked by much slower than the others.

I shook my head and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. "No, he just grabbed me."

Belle clicked her tongue and ran her hand through her hair. I chewed on my lower lip and grabbed her hand with both of mine.

"I'm sorry, Belle. I didn't mean to dump all my worries and problems on you. I-I just don't have anyone to talk to and I feel like I'm going nuts."

Belle rubbed my hands and then cupped my cheek, wiping away my tears I hadn't known were there. "What did I said? Don't be sorry. Everything will be okay. You'll see. Why don't you just move back to the city?"

I sniffled. "I can't move back. I wasted so much money and energy rebuilding that house, and I like it there. It's peaceful and—"

"Full of evil ghosts and killer homeless people?" Belle cut in, pulling her hands back and neatly folding them together.

I gave her a deadpanned stare. "No. I just... like it there. I forgot what it felt like to live in silence and near..." I trailed off as my mind wondered back to Tristian.

I hadn't spoken or seen him since he stormed off. I wanted to hunt him down when I got back from dropping Drakon at school but quickly decided against it. He probably needed space and I didn't want to present myself as pushy or too needy.

"Near what?" Belle asked.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and rubbed the side of my neck. "I miss being near the woods. I had so many good memories there."

Belle hummed and I frowned. "What?"

"What, what?"

"What was the hmmm about?"

Belle shrugged and grabbed a napkin. "Nothing. It's just..." Belle paused and her eyes searched my face and she sighed. I sat up and crossed my arms over the table.

"What are hiding, Belle?" I asked.

Belle sighed again and averted her eyes. "He is a nice fella. He's just a little hot headed sometimes. Give him a day or two and he'll come back."

I felt my heart start to race. "Who are you talking about?" I knew what she was talking about, but I needed to hear it.

Belle tucked her messy hair behind her ear, her fingers fiddling with the napkin. "Tristian hasn't been the same eleven years ago."

"You know him?" I whispered, feeling relief or dread, I couldn't tell, wash over me.

Belle nodded and her lips parted when another nurse passed by, but this time, she touched Belle's shoulders, earning our attention.

"I'm sorry, but it's time she takes her medicine and a nap. Can we wrap this up?" She asked, a forced smile on her dry lips.

Belle lightly shrugged her off and we stood up. I came around the long table and hugged her tightly, burying my face in her neck.

"I... I'm scared." I admitted to her, feeling myself well up again.

Belle rubbed my back. "If that man does anything again, run. Grab your kid and run."

I pulled away and nodded. "I'll come back when I can. Take care, okay?"

Belle smiled and was ushered away with the nurse.

The Mask Man In The WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now