And, even if all nine end with unhappiness,

Start from the beginning

Why can't he say it? He's been easily able to kill difficult witches in the past.

Why does he suddenly feel like crying?

"I-- I--" He keeps stuttering, eyes welling up with tears, a deep ache in his heart. "What the fuck is this? What did you do to me?" He says, knowing it has to be the witch. It always is.

His eyes shine with true confusion. "What do you mean? The only spell activated of mine currently is the camouflage."

Taehyung doesn't want to believe it, he doesn't. But, he just used a truth spell, that he could feel seep into the witch. The witch is speaking the truth.

Like he's fighting with himself, he takes a step back, but it hurts even more, and before he knows it, he starts crying, eyes still looking into the witch's -- feeling something he never has before, not even with the euphoria that comes through certain magic.

He quickly wipes them away. He wants to say something -- words are fighting inside of him, but he-- he doesn't know what they are.

"What the hell?" He cries out in frustration, wanting to tear their gaze, but he can't. He unknowingly takes a step closer. And, he also just realizes, a witch with this level of power could've easily broken past his binding spell -- but he hasn't. Why? Why?

"Are you..." The witch starts and Taehyung wants to tell him, no, don't do this to me, it's a trick, all of it. But, he's lost -- his head throbs, heart thudding so fast, and his chest is strangely warm. "Are you also... feeling that?"


He looks at the witch with wonder. "What?"

"I don't— I don't know. The moment I saw you, I think — ahh, your stupid truth spell is still active — I think, I feel like I'm sick. My body is out of equilibrium. Do you... do you feel it too?"

"I'm so confused. Are you just messing with me? How strong are you?" Taehyung asks, and for the first time in his career, he feels helpless. What is happening to him?

The man shakes his head, "No... I'm not that strong. The strongest spell I can do is teleportation but I don't... use it. I don't like that spell."

Taehyung's eyes widen at the words. Teleportation? Then... this man, he can do all that that's under it? What the hell? And, he's never felt it from this area before?

"What are you cooking in the pot?" Taehyung asks suddenly, and he knows for sure that the witch is telling the truth. No spell allows you to fake being under a spell.

"Oh... that's my next batch of medicine," he murmurs, sounding a little embarrassed.

Taehyung can't move -- he can -- but it hurts to move away from him, so involuntarily, he takes a step forward, and his heart flutters -- suddenly feeling more at ease than before.

"Wait -- what was that? Why did that feel good -- fuck this truth spell," the witch sounds frustrated, but it sounds like he'd given up too, given up on running away, almost like he had been expecting this moment of defeat.

"Did you know? Know that I'd come?" Taehyung asks -- even the prediction spell is under the teleportation one, but it's a dangerous spell.

"Well, I didn't know. But, I'd heard a lot of witches were getting caught, and I thought, naturally, one day, someone would arrive in front of me too," he explains, melancholically. "I just wanted Jungkook -- who's my familiar by the way -- to live a good life after I get caught, so I thought I'd ask. But, I suppose, there's no system of the last request." He looks so sad, and it makes Taehyung sad too, but he doesn't know why. He's never been this empathetic before.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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