Bella Swan; The Newborn Vampire: Chapter 4

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Bella Swan's POV:

This morning I woke up to find that Charlie had already gone to work. Hmm, weird. Normally he went later than this. Maybe he had a call or something? Oh well, nothing to worry about. I lay in bed thinking for a bit, before remembering I'm moving out today and I've got to get packing! I jumped out of bed and into the shower. After my shower, I changed quickly and went downstairs to make some breakfast. There wasn't much food in the house so I decided on a bowl of cereal. I ate that, and then went to the laundry hamper to put some washing in. I washed my dishes, along with the ones Charlie had used this morning and grabbed some cleaning stuff to clean the bathroom. After that, I dug out my suitcase. It's not as dusty as I thought it would be, in my head I saw it all dirty with cobwebs all over it! Well, I haven't been here that long so it wouldn't be like that but I have a vivid imagination.. Anyway, it's 12 o'clock now and I really need to start packing. I think I'll start with my bathroom bag, and then go onto the very small amount of beauty products I own. Then, all my clothes. This shouldn't take too long but being the neat freak I am, everything will have to go in my suitcase perfectly even though I'll be taking everything out when I get there. Plus, Alice will probably take me shopping tomorrow to fill my probably huge wardrobe! I wonder where I'll be sleeping, Edward's room? One of the spare rooms? Well, I guess I'll find out when I get there.

It's now half two, and I'm all packed! I filled my suitcase, and my backpack I used to take to school. Ah, that sounds so good! Used to take to school. I love the fact that I don't have to do anything anymore. I can spend all my time with Edward or if not with Edward, with Alice or the other Cullen's. I was still thinking about my new life for a while when I heard the phone ring. It was Charlie telling me he'd be home about 4 to take me over to the Cullen's place. So I have about an hour and a half to waste, what can I do? I could call Edward and have him come over for a while, or I could read. I don't really want to phone Edward because I feel like I bother him too much and he doesn't spend enough time with his family. So I guess it's reading then, and of course I'm going to read Wuthering Heights. I love love love it! I'd read about 4 pages when I felt a cool pair of arms wrap around me. I look up to meet the golden eyes of Edward. "Alice told me you were thinking of calling to see if I would come over, and then changed your mind?" He asked. "I did indeed think of doing that, but then I decided against it because I didn't want to bother you."

"You didn't want to bother me? You wouldn't be bothering me love, you know I love you and I'd rather be with you than in my house." He replied. I just smiled at him and planted a kiss on his lips. I dropped my book on the table and attacked his lips then, after like 10 seconds he stiffened and disappeared. I stood up confused, and called out for him, "Edward?! Where are you?" No reply. I'm getting worried now, even though he's a rock hard vampire who can't get hurt. I stood there for a while, trying to think where he could be when I had an idea. I'm just going to call the Cullen's. I dialled the number, and after 2 rings Alice picked up. "Hey Bella, Edward is here. The bloodlust got him a little, so he came back here. He's really sorry and he'll see you later. Bye Bella!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks Alice, see you later." I replied before hanging up the phone. So I've still got an hour and a half to waste. I'm just going to read my book some more. I was so engrossed in my book I didn't notice the time flying by. I was halfway through when I heard the door slam. It made me jump, "Dad?"

"Yeah Bells, It's me." I put my book down and went to see my dad. He was looking down, but that was understandable. "Let me just hang my gun up, and run to the toilet and I'll take you to the Cullen's."

"Okay dad, I'll go grab my bags." I ran up the stairs and grabbed my bags, on the way out of my room I stopped and took a look around. I'm really gonna miss this place, it looked kind of bare at the moment. I'd taken all of my pictures and posters down and I'd stripped the bed. I turned and start walking again; I noticed Charlie was in the toilet now. I dumped my bags in the trunk of the cruiser and jumped into the passenger seat. A few minutes later Charlie emerged from the house, and got into the car. We set off, and got there in about 20 minutes. We both got out of the car, and went to the trunk. Charlie grabbed my suitcase and I grabbed the backpack. When we were making our way to the house, all the Cullen's came out. "Charlie, let me take that," Carlisle offered.

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