Bella Swan; The Newborn Vampire: Chapter 6

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I am so unbelievably sorry for not uploading for so long! Can you ever forgive me? It must have been 6 months, I just haven’t had the inspiration. I’m so so so so so sorry! I’ll try and upload more often, but I can’t promise anything. Please vote, comment whatever! If you think I’m a terrible person, or the chapter’s awful, let me know. I’m open to critisism,haha. Anyway, enjoy!


Bella Swan’s POV:

1 month later.

Today was the day. My transformation. This last month has dragged by, a lot. I’ve visited Charlie most days, and he’s grateful about that. Every now and then, I’d call in and Sue Clearwater would be there, I think there might be something going on there if you know what I mean. Anyway, I woke up to a very distressed looking Edward. He doesn’t want me to be like him, even if it means we get to spend the rest of forever together. I could say I’m a bit nervous, about the pain I mean, but I’ve never been so sure on something. “What are you thinking?” Edward whispered to me. After thinking about the pain, my face must have been a right picture. “Today, and spending the rest of forever with you.” I said as I kissed him. After we finished our quick (-.-) make-out session, I jumped in the shower. I savoured the feeling of the hot water running down my warm skin as it would be the last time I feel it. It felt good, but I still felt sleepy. I turned the water to cold and it shocked me awake. I literally jumped out the shower, “Love, are you alright? I heard a bang.”

“I’m fine, just fell out of the shower. Nothing unusual.” I heard a soft chuckle from the other side of the door. Good to know he finds my clumsiness funny. I got quickly changed and bounced straight into Edward’s arms. “Are you gonna miss this? Me, warm, soft, fragile?”

“Of course I’ll miss it, but I’m sure I’ll love the new you one hell of a lot more!” I’ve never heard him curse before, so I’m guessing he really loves me. We walked downstairs hand in hand, to reach a smiling Cullen family. Esme was at the kitchen, making pancakes for me. “Thanks Esme.”I called out to her, I always make sure to say thank you to Esme. I owe her that much at least. “No problem dear, you know I love to cook for you.” She told me whilst smiling. I wonder if she’ll miss cooking for me. Maybe I should start talking to Jake again, he can bring the pack over and Esme can cook. I know she loves to cook, so that would be a nice idea. Even though they all find the pack’s smell disgusting. And I’m pretty sure I will after the next few days. I gobbled my pancakes down and went to sit next to Emmett, he was watching a game. Who was playing, I don’t know. I’ve never been really interested in sports. “Hey little sis.”

“Hey Em, how are we on this fine day?!” I practically screamed at him, I’m a bit excited what can I say. Everyone was looking at me with a strange look on their face, I could feel my face heating up and I was sure I was blushing. “Haha, look at her blush!” Which confirmed my suspicions.“And I’m fine thanks.” He screamed back. Everyone in the room started laughing, even Carlisle who would normally scold Emmett for his behaviour. Alice came skipping down the stairs then, when she hit the very last step she froze.“BELLA SWAN!” Eep! I’m scared. “WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!”

“Sweats and a t-shirt?” I tried to make a joke, but epically failed. She just stood there fuming. “I give you nice clothes and you still wear those old, worn out sweats?! I thought you knew better!”

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2011 ⏰

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