Chapter 16.5

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This chapter will be explaining everyone's powers AS OF NOW. Not all of Seth's powers have been revealed, along with some of Jaxons powers or Jin's; along with Jayces.

Seth Lenior

-Human/Angel Hybrid; Nephilim
-Son of Lucifer


-Immortality, stopped aging at 18 years old.
-Protective shields. Appear as a tinted black over him.
-Ability to kill people with a simple touch, or from a distance.
-The Grim reaper.
-Prince of demons
-Ability to raise the dead, though he hasn't demonstrated this yet.
-Large set of obsidian black wings that matches his fathers.
-Extraordinary amount of strength when in his "death mode".
-Neon green eyes that match his fathers.

**he has plenty more, he hasn't discovered them yet.**

Jaxon Di Angelo

-Son of Leviathan; The second most powerful prince of hell.


-Immortality; he stopped aging when he was 20 years old.
-Teleportation with portals.
-Magic. He's very skilled with all sorts of spells.
-His natural eye color is a demonic yellow that matches his fathers.
-Summoning rituals.
-shape shifting
-Strength (naturally.)
-Some demons follow his command due to his fathers status.
-Due to Seth being his soulmate, he could soothe Seth and comfort him when things go wrong; along with controlling some of his actions while he's in 'death mode.' This shows a sign of Jaxon naturally being the dominant person in the relationship.

**More abilities to come.**

Jayce Darkmore

-Son of a lower class demon; gifted with being the second most powerful warlock behind Jaxon.


-High warlock of France.
-Immortality; he stopped aging when he was 25 years old. He's over 400 years old now.
-Memory magic
-Glowing blue eyes that he got from his father.
-EXTREMELY skilled with his magic
-Summoning rituals
-Teleportation with portals.

**Yet again, more to come.**

Jin Darkmore

-Son of Jayce Darkmore


-All we know so far is that he has the blue glowing eyes from Jayce... a brighter glowing blue that simulates he may be more powerful than we think.

Elena Violet

-Daughter of a powerful leader. Her father is the vampire clan leader in France, her mother was a princess long ago.


-Superhuman speed
-Mind reading

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