Chapter 6

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''My lord, it is your child's birthday.'' The man said to the mysterious figure, the darkness covering his complexion. Deep laughter filled the room, a delighted sigh afterward.

''Isn't it a strange concept, I having a child?'' The figure asking the man. The man nodded, throwing a warm smile his way.

''Before God cast me down, he told me I must not interfere in human affairs. Though I did with Adam and Eve... I thought I was finished. When I created destruction amongst his creation, I couldn't help but look in envy among Adam... he had children.'' The figure said. He slowly walked out of the shadows... and he was the most beautiful being known. Many see Lucifer as an ugly being... but truly, he was an angel. He was a forsaken, beautiful dark angel.

He had raven black hair, it was curly on his head. He had almost neon green eyes, not one blemish on his face. He had not one blemish on his pale skin... you could truly see Seth takes after him.

''How is my boy doing, Valentin?'' He asked him. Valentin smiled brightly, his fangs baring without shame.

''He's doing wonderful, he truly takes after you... he has your hair, your eyes... he doesn't look anything like his mother,'' Valentin said. Lucifer frowned, glancing down at his hands.

''Oh Ella... I wish she would have handed him over to me. She can't raise a being like that, he's not just a boy...'' He shook his head. Valentin frowned, looking up at him.

''She keeps taking him to the warlock I spoke to you about, to erase his memories... not of just his powers,'' Valentin said nervously. Lucifer glanced at him, his neon green eyes looking at him with uncertainty.

''What do you mean, Valentin?'' He asked.

''I was getting them ready for a dinner they had to go to one night. I was polishing their crowns, and I figured I should go check on the boy. I heard screaming from his bedroom... and I walked in on the Queen beating him.''

Lucifer let out an angry growl, his neon green eyes glowing brighter. He's known for only wanting one thing, and that was wanting what God had. But one thing he wanted more... was his son. He loved Seth.

''Is he okay?'' He asked, his voice cracking. The angels rumored about Lucifer, saying he would never be able to care for a child. Saying he wouldn't love him... but God, they were wrong.

''She beat him ruthlessly... with her hands, with belts... he was bleeding, sobbing... I had to pull her off of him. But after that... she just took him to the warlock, she didn't even explain to him why she wanted his memories erased that time, either.'' Valentin said.

Lucifer couldn't help but shed a tear, it running down his face slowly. He didn't blame the warlock for this; the warlock didn't know better. And knowing Ella, she most likely threatened him.

He hasn't cried since he was cast out by God.

''Make his return to me at eighteen, not twenty-one.''

''Yes, my Lord.''


Seth's POV

My eyes snapped open, my mind still remembering the dream I had... I suppose it wasn't a dream. It was a memory... or something that I was supposed to see.

I pulled myself up, and everything that happened last night flooded back to me. I lost my kingdom, I basically lost my mother... I lost my friends.

...Where am I?

The room was decorated beautifully, it seemed to be an Asian theme. There were pictures on the wall of various cherry trees, and the walls were decorated beautifully with tapestries.

Demon (BoyxBoy) ✔️ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now