Chapter Eight: Queen's Domain

Start from the beginning

"By the way, did you know? We actually have one of your brother's crewmates here with us on this island. His name is Sanji." Inazuma told Sabo.


"Yes, I know you have Nico Robin with you there in Baltigo too, right?" Inazuma asked.

"Yeah we do and we're actually good friends." You replied since Sabo's mouth was full of chicken right now.

"Well I'm sure Sanji-boy will be glad to know that she's fine too."

"Where can I find him?" You asked.

Iva laughed. "Well I don't know about that. My candies are always chasing him all over the place, so he keeps moving from place to place. I don't know if you'll be able to find him."

"Why?" You asked.

"They have a few pretty dresses with his name on them. We don't know where he is, he only shows himself after doing some training when he comes to challenge one of the Newkama kempo masters." Inazuma said. "I'm sure you'll see him if you're gonna be here the whole month. They're definitely going to find his current hideout and chase him around again."

"Sure." You didn't know what that was about.

"If he's challenging your masters, he must be strong." Sabo spoke.

"He is. He's been doing some training and getting even stronger too." Iva confirmed.

"I'm glad. Luffy's always safer with stronger people by his side." Sabo said.


After dinner, Caroline showed you to the room that you would be using. The room was pink, and there was a huge bed in the middle, and a cot for Rouge on the side.

"I'm sorry." Sabo said sitting down on the bed. "I couldn't exactly ask for separate rooms."

You placed Rouge inside the cot.

"It's a big bed. We'll be fine." You said and removed your sleeping clothes from your bag.

You lied. It wasn't fine. You washed your face as you changed in the bathroom. The only people that you had ever shared a bed with in your life were your mother, Nana and Ace. When you came back, you lay down on the bed. Sabo was already lying down on the other side.

You were suddenly hyper aware that he was there, even though there was a distance between you and him separated in the large bed. It was as if his heat was able to reach you somehow as you breathed.

You felt the need to say something, anything to fill the silence. "So what's with the goggles? Is it a Revolutionary Army thing?"

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's just that they remind me of a time past." You said.

"Reminds you of what?" He seemed closer somehow, so you did not dare to turn around.

"My mom was always very sick, so she always stayed inside, but she really wanted me to see the sea with her so one day she convinced my father to let her take me on a picnic. Mama was always so sad, but on that day, she smiled the most." You said.

You smiled, remembering how pale and windswept she had looked that day, but you could say without a doubt that it was the happiest you had ever seen her look, your entire life.

"Did she love the sea too, like you?" He asked watching you.

"Yeah. She did. She's the whole reason why I do too, I suppose. It was always so rare to see her smile, but when looking out at the sea, she looked...less sad." You told him. You knew why now, of course, but back then you just enjoyed seeing her smile.

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