"Why didn't you bring Winn along I mean I swear he was put on the invite?" She chuckled.

"He said he wanted to come but he's gotta do his job and if Kara goes the DEO are the next best thing to stop the aliens from attacking the city. So being the good man he is he stayed behind."

"And how was he with letting you go?"

"He literally would not stop hugging me. Like he would constantly say stay safe or I'll storm on over to that earth and protect you myself."

"Aww bless his little heart."

She nodded and took my hands in hers.

"Have you told Liam about the superhero powers you have yet?" I shook my head.

"I don't want him to know. I want to be Alexandra Bradford, the engineer. That's it." She nodded.

"Have you started to show yet?" I asked completely changing the subject from me to her.

"No and I'm quite glad." I rolled my eyes and lay back against my sofa.

"Can you believe Barry and Iris are getting married, it just doesn't seem real to me." She nodded.

"Yeah and you'll be the next one to become a wife." I furrowed my brows.

"You think Liam's gonna propose?"

She looked to me and went "Nope." popping the 'p' as she said it.

"Right come on!" She grabbed my hands and I furrowed my brows yet again.

"What are you doing?"

"We have to go meet the other bridesmaids to get pampered and prepare Iris for tomorrow."

I nodded and smiled as I walked out of my apartment, Amelia by my side.


"Iris you are literally glowing." Felicity said handing her a champagne glass.

"Oh wait it's pregnant women who glow, brides blush." Caitlin corrected.

"Yes blushing bride I can do, the other one...not just yet." I saw the glance between Kara and Amelia before I clicked on what they were on about.

"Speaking of glowing..."

"No you're not!" Iris said and Kara shook her head.

"What me? No of course not, no definitely. But..." Kara looked to Amelia as I did too.

Iris reaches out next to Amelia and touched her hand.

"No way are you actually?" Amelia bit her lip and nodded her head which got squeals from everyone.

"I wish I'd known that before I got you champagne." Felicity said which earned a laugh and an eye roll from me.

"So wait how long?" Iris asked.

"Look it's your wedding day, I'll explain more after you become Mrs Iris West-Allen."

Iris smiled and squeezed her hand slightly.

"I'm happy for you though." Amelia just smiled. Amelia nodded.

I then had to hold my laughter in when Kara broke the machine whilst getting her manicure done.

Amelia actually had to shush me because I started laughing to much but when I looked around as they were all talking about Felicity and Oliver getting married I smiled.

I liked spending time with these ladies. They were my friends, some my family.

This wedding was gonna be good because I had everyone I love in one room. And seeing my two best friends getting married:

Bang Bang - Ralph DibnyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ