Chapter 16

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Savannah brought the little girl along with her to meet Brandon. Skipping and jumping as Amara strolled in the cafe they had promised to meet.

Amara grinned as Brandon, who was anxiously waiting on an empty table, turned towards the two. Amara jumped up to a seat beside him and smiled mischievously, puching his arm in a joking manner.

Savannah smirked as she noticed that Brandon felt the pain from that little punch. Brandon grimaced, moving his seat a little further from the little girl and gave her a forced smile. Amara, who seemingly didn't notice Brandon's misery just raised her eyebrow cutely.

Savannah sighed, plopping down in a seat across from Brandon. They were in a four seats table. He began to eye her a bit warily, looking around in case she brought her little army of cats to attack him again. There were none, which made Brandon sigh in relief.

"So?" Savannah didn't look up where she was scanning the menu in front of her, Amara joined in. She picked a milkshake for the little girl and ordered a coffe for herself. A huge pancake and cookies as the other food for them.

Savannah called a waiter, recited her orders, then went back to the teenager in front of her.

"I can explain," Brandon began, letting out a breath.

"Then, explain." Savannah retorted.

"It was a misunderstanding between Janette and me," Brandon paused. "There is this boy that likes Janette and I think he conspired with another girl from our school to make Janette believe that I am cheating on her."

Brandon explained with his face a little downcast, not metting her eyes. His shoulder slumped down as if showed that he was exasperated.

"Care to tell me the details?" Savannah frowned upon his not so detailed explanation.

Brandon ran his hands through his hair. "The girl named Brianna shoved me into the locker and kiss me out of nowhere. Janette happened to pass by us and got the wrong message. The boy, James was running for her afterwards, no doubt that he wanted to be a fake knight in shining shits."

A waiter came and gave them their orders
. Savannah raised her eyebrow a bit, sipping on her drink while Amara was oblivious to the whole situation. The five years old kid was busy muching on her pancake as soon as it delivered to her.

"And you are just standing there doing nothing? Enjoying the kiss, eh?" Savannah narrowed her eyes.

Brandon face scrunched in disgust, he was almost shouting as he said, "Of course not! I shoved the girl that she fell face-plant in the ground after that, in a dog shit."

Savannah laughed at his explanation. The damn lover boy was so smitten with Janette back in their new days as a high schooler. Honestly, he looked like a little puppy trying to gain Janette's attention.

"Really?" Savannah laughed again.

Brandon nodded his head solemnly, he had a serious look on his face. "Even, I had the photo of her with that dog shit covering her face."

He fished out his phone, tapping some buttons and held out the screen for Savannah to see. Savannah took a peek, her laugh was almost heard throughout the cafe.

Amara, the little girl stopped her activity only to see what Savannah was laughing so loudly about that she even got a few glares from other customers, which she didn't really care about. She looked at the phone and exclaimed, "What kind of creature is that?"

Savannah almost heard Brandon muttered the word 'pig' under his breath. Savannah held her laugh as she shoved a cookie into the little girl's mouth to distract her again, which was really working. Amara's attention soon was back to her pile of food.

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