Nick's trainer. The truth about some old classmates.

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After managing to stop the fangirling, Slenda had helped, Nick went up to Slenda. "Do you know anyone who can train me with Excalibur or swords in general?" Nick asks. Slenda thinks for a bit, until nodding. "I know a guy.... He's an old friend. His name is Lightimares." When Slenda said that, Angel slides down the stairway rails. "Not him! He trains without any mercy!" Nick looks confused as he looks between Slenda and Angel. "Huh? Well... I guess nothing is better than a harsh trainer..." Nick states. Angel shakes her head and sighs. "Well... I have high hopes for you... But Lightimares has to be one of the hardest trainers to exist." Angel states with Slenda chuckling embarrasly. Slenda's chuckling slowly stops as, even though she doesn't have eyes, Nick could tell something just came up. ".... Everyone. Gather around. Tami, get everyone. The Rake managed to get in.... She may know who Nick is..." Slenda says worryingly. "Hold up! The what now?" Nick asks confused. Slenda sighs and looks at Nick. "We can't say her name right now... But she is our enemy." Slenda states. Nick sighs and nods. Suddenly, Nick's phone buzzes. "Huh? I thought I turned it off." He checks it and sees three text messages. It was for a group chat.

LL: Where have you been Nick? You've missed school today. 'O_o

Elle: I see that LL is wondering about you. What's wrong?

Lucy: I think he's sick... I'll go visit some family to see what's up, cause they have a guest and see who they are, then I'll stop by Nick's place to check on him. He may have his phone off...

Nick sighs as he starts to type. As soon as his fingers start to touch the keypad, the front door opens. "Hey guys- NICK?!" Nick jumps and falls off the couch. "Ow..." Nick mumbles as the voice sounds familiar. "W-w-what are you doing here...?" The dots connect. "Oh shit!" He gets up and turns around. He remembers that voice. "Lucy?!" Nick exclaims as Slenda facepalms. "T-That means...." Nick slouches against the couch. "I'm here because someone-" Nick glares at Jess and she glares back. "Decided that I was easy prey..." Nick taunts. "I introduced her to a pan to the face after almost passing out." Nick states as Benny snickers while Lucy gets out of her disguise. She texts their 'friends' that were worrying about Nick saying that he was sick and was going to take care of him. "There. That should buy you some time... You are going to have to say that you are going to move soon though." Lucy states, her black hair covering her.... Nonexistent eyes? "Lucy what happened?" Nick asks worryingly. "I don't really want to talk about it..." Lucy says sadly. Nick sighs and hugs her softly, earning slightly jealous glares from some of the girls while Lucy gets a blush. "Wha- huh- wh- ga-" Lucy embarrasedly starts stammering. "Heheheh... Lulu.exe has stopped working." Benny states. Nick finally realizes what he is doing and let's go, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "Ahem.... Now that this awkward start has gone by... Lulu, what is the news?" Slenda states. "Lazari is growing worried about Nick. I think her hunger is growing. Meanwhile Stripes is starting to grow suspicious of me..." Lulu informs. Slenda nods and tells everyone to go do their things.

A while later, Lucy knocks on Nick's door. "Come in!" Nick calls out as he sets his family photo on his night stand. Lucy nervously walks in. "I have to tell you something about the other two..." She looks at Nick with a heartbroken expression. "Nick... Don't trust them. Lazari and Stripes/Elle are working for the enemy... And their boss/mother is a master manipulator..." Nick gets up, his face set in a stone cold expression. "Was our friendship fake...?" Nick asks Lucy... Lulu with a monotone voice. "N-No! I genuinely see you as a friend!" Lucy cries out. The others had left due to a mission assigned by Slenda. Set cameras around the perimeter. Nick's expression turned warmer as he helps Lucy up. "That's all I needed to hear." Nick states as Lucy bonks his head. "Baka.... That's for worrying me." Nick rubs his head. "That one hurt more than usual..." Nick complains. Slenda suddenly calls out. "Nick! Your trainer is here!" Nick turns to Lucy after replying. "Hand this to the school board and tell them that my aunt called me to move out of the country and to England. I even wrote letters to the two saying that my phone is 'broken' and can't get one for a while since I don't have enough money." Nick says as he hands a couple letters in Lucy's hands. "I'm going to have to say... Thank you for being there for me Lucille..." He kisses her cheek and walks off to meet his trainer. Lucy smiles softly as her heart flutters. "W-will do..."

Nick walks in to the main area and sees a man with brownish hair, blue green eyes, a blue hoodie, black pants, combat boots and ear clips on his right ear. ""I guess you're my teacher/student." The man and Nick say at the same time before pausing. They chuckle and look at Slenda. She just now realizes that the two look similar. "You know... You look like you could be kin." LJ calls out. "Shush! Get out of my head Jill." Slenda jokes. Nick and Lightimares blink with a deadpan expression before turning to each other. "Nah. He has blond in his hair while my hair is more reddish." Lightimares states. "Anyways. Let's get your training started. First.... Slenda, have you made him your proxy?" Lightimares asks. She shakes her head and Lightimares sighs. "You should do that first. "Alright... Nick, do you want to-" Nick cuts her off with a nod. "Yeah. I need to get stronger to live up to my ancestors legacy." Slenda nods and warns Nick. "It's going to sting..." Nick nods and relaxes so it isn't as painful. Slenda's finger sharpens slightly and slowly pushes it into Nick's neck. "Ow-" Nick starts to say before a weird feeling washes over him. He gets a tattoo looking mark on where Slenda punctured the skin. Nick shudders as the familiar proxy symbol shows. The wound heals as soon as Slenda pulls out her sharp nail. "That hurt less than expected...." Nick states. "Right. To the training room." Lightimares states before dragging Nick to the training room, passing by a scared Angel. "Oh Nick..." Angel states sadly. "I pity you..." Lucy pops up behind her. "Yeah me too..." Angel jumps at the sudden scare. "Don't do that!" Angel says exasperated. Suddenly they hear a yell. "Jess! Where the hell did you put my make-up!" Everyone sighs at the start of the fight that usually happens at least once a day.

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