Unlocking Excalibur

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(So how did you like the First Chapter? Must have been good enough to get you for the second chapter. This is one story I won't rant on forever. So Onto this chapter!-*crashing noise can be heard from outside* In ainm Dhia!- What the fuck did you do this time Ruse! Oh and for those that don't know. Ruse is Celtic. Cad é an fear ifreann?!)


Nick wakes up from being knocked out. He seems to be in a bed....He sits up and sees Jess and Slenda, and he backs up against the headboard. "W-where am I?!" Nick asks, freaking out. Jess smirks at his reaction as Slenda explains everything. "So...I'm living here now?" Nick asks. Slenda just nods. "Also, you got to meet the other girls." Slenda tells him. "You should go and see them. I made them promise not to hurt you in any way. Am I right Jess?" Slenda looks at Jess who scoffs and looks away. "Yeah yeah..." Jess finally says. She walks out of the room and after Slenda makes sure Nick promises he will go visit the others, Slenda also walks out of the room. He walks down the hall and sees a door with someone's name on it. This one has Angel. "Might as well start with this person." He knocks on the door and waits for an answer. After a few seconds a female voice sounds from within. "Come in." Nick slowly opens the door and enters. Angel walks up to Nickolas and looks at him. "So you are the one who had encountered Jess and survived. Plus Slenda thought you would be able to stay here... My name is Judge Angel, but you can just call me Angel." Angel holds out her hand for Nick to shake, which he does."Nickolas Toretal, but you can just call me Nick." After a bit of talking and explaining, Angel decides to do something that makes most men crazy. "I wonder what else you can do~" Angel teases, pressing herself against him with the right amount of pressure against him to make him blush like he is a cherry after letting go of his hand.. Nick blushes slightly however as he looks away. "I mean... if you have weapons i can try out with. Specifically blades." Nick suggests. Angel looks surprised and then smiles. "Yeah, we have a few swords in the armory. Follow me." Angel takes his hand and leads him out of her room and walks to the armory. After a bit she lets go of his hand and they walk in silence. "You know, you actually have good manners. And I want to know how you lived against Jess." Angel breaks the silence. After some hesitation Nick answers her, "Had to deal with bullies so I had to be fast enough to dodge all their punches. And good manners run in my family." Angel nods and says, "That still doesn't answer my question about Jess." Nick finds something to say. "We went in a knife fight for a bit, each of us getting some cuts on the other, and we managed to tire each other out. We got to the point to where we were gonna pass out until Slenda came and whacked me against the wall." Nick rubs his back from remembering the pain. Angel just chuckles. "You are lucky. Most people die from her hits." Angel informs Nick of this fact and Nick looks surprised. "Anyways, we are here. Now some weapons are unable to be used unless it is the right person so good luck." Angel pretty much pushes Nick into the armory and goes inside the room with him. He turns on the light and he looks around in astonishment. "Wow. That is a lot of weapons..." He sees a sword in a stone. He looks confused and walks up to it. "This is what I was talking about when I said a specific person can use a weapon. That sword is Excalibur." Angel whispers in his ear. "Go give it a shot..." Nick looks at her then it in shock. After a bit of deciding, Nick goes up to it and slowly grabs it with both hands. Runes start to glow bright on the sword and Angel's eyes slowly widen. "I got to tell the others to get here!" Angel runs out yelling. "Ladies! The new guy is going for Excalibur! He is pulling it out!" A commotion can be heard and the armory gladly is pretty big so that they can store a good amount of weapons. As he pulls it out, more runes start to show and he hears a strong wind outside. He finally pulls it out and he looks at it surprised, then he turns around and sees Angel, Jess, Slenda, and some other girls he hasn't seen before. One is wearing a blue mask with black stuff coming out of her eyes. Another looks like she is wearing a link costume. One is about as tall as Slenda and has black and white strips for her clothing. One wears a green hoodie and has a clock for one of her eyes. And the other wears a mask and a black dress. "Awwww, I would've thought he would be more muscular." The one in the link costume complains. The one with the clock for an eye and Angel walk up to Nick. "Now we have a person who wields Excalibur living with us." Angel dreamily says. The other girl just walks around inspecting Nick and sometimes poking his sides and arms. After a bit of doing that, she introduces herself. "My name is Clockwork, and you?" Nick nods, "Nickolas Toretal, Nick for short." Jess looks surprised along with Slenda and the other girls besides the Link girl after the whole Excalibur ordeal. After a bit of calming down, Nick heads to his room to put up Excalibur then goes to the living room. The girls he hasn't met walk up to him and introduce themselves one by one. The link girl goes up first and holds out her hand. "My name is Benny." Nick grabs it and gets a shock from her hand. He recoils back and glares at Benny, who is laughing. Next is the girl in the black dress. "Name's Jane." He shakes Jane's hand after making sure there isn't anything to shock him with. "Nice to meet you Jane." Jane heads to the kitchen afterwards and the one with the blue mask goes up to Nick. She keeps her hands in her pockets but says her name. "Jackie or EJ. Whichever you want to call me. It is fine with me." Nick nods and Jackie walks away to her room. The last one to introduce themselves for now walks up to Nick and looks down at him. She is a good bit taller than him after all. "My name is Jill. Or LJ if you want~" Jill laughs and pretty much skips away. After heading to the kitchen to eat some dinner, Nick calls it a night and heads to bed.


(Sorry if the ending sucked. Ruse's wings twisted while he was flying around and crashed outside.-I'm ok now!- Oh shut up, you were whining the whole time Salazar was healing you. {My name is Salazar, next chapter you will get to know me more, until then have a great day or good night's rest.} Jeez anyways. Bye guys.)

Female Creepypasta x Nickolas ToretalWhere stories live. Discover now