Tessa's Dream

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Tessa ran a hand through her hair as she listened to her dream frowning slightly, “My dream is only sorta like that. Yours sounds so...” Tessa thought for a moment, “Happy. Mine is more of a nightmare to me.”

Rayne raised an eyebrow, “Oh. Well I think I would be suspicious if our dreams were exactly alike. I mean there is no way possible that could happen, we would automatically assume the other was lying or something.”

“Exactly!” Tessa chipped.

Rayne raised her head from the pillow she was laying on to look at Tessa, “So...how does your dream go?”

Tessa sighed, “Well....”

I blinked as I took in my surroundings, great it was this dream again. My body shook in small waves of fear, why was I scared again? My eyes blinked to the buttons of the small dumbwaiter, the first being a bright pinkish purple and the one on the bottom a deep blue. My finger reached out to push one only to be stopped as the door was roughly opened.

My eyes snapped to the vampire who grinned deviously, his fangs sparkling like pearls threatening to catch blood. I gave a shrill scream as I raced out of the small cubby, out of the laundry room and into the persian rug covered hallway.

“Come back Tessa.” His silky smooth voice, almost like chocolate, ordered me. My whole body wanted to do what he said, as if it was possessed by him, but all the while my mind screamed at me to keep running. I smiled gleefully as it kept running, only to be stopped as soon as I reached the stairs. I looked down the stairs to see the mummy moaning as he stomped his way slowly up the stairs. Why me?

I turned my head back slightly to see the vampire gliding down the hallways after me. I was more afraid of the vampire than the mummy, and made a quick decision to go down the stairs instead. As my feet pounded on the creaky steps my eyes shut as I passed under the arms of the mummy and kept going until I reached the bottom of the steps. My heart slammed against my chest as the adrenaline raced through my veins.

Why was I here again? I frowned thinking to myself as I made my way out of the house. Don't I need to save someone or get something? My thoughts were interrupted as I my head met with a furry chest, and my body went crashing to the floor, only to be stopped my sharp, furry claws digging into my arms that held me up. My tear streaked eyes trailed up the half nude body of a dark brown werewolf.

“I've got her boss!” The werewolf said. Well not exactly, he only talked in deep growls and howls, but I somehow always knew what he was saying.

I whimpered as he dragged me into a sitting room and pushed me down on a plush red love seat. I licked my dry lips as I took in the slash marks on the wall, a chair tipped over on its side with a blanket thrown carelessly over it. Whoever lived here definitely has a temper.

“Excellent.” I heard the smooth voice again from behind me and whirled around to be faced with the vampire again.

A movement across the room made my eyes snap over there to see a hollywood-look-alike Frankenstein stomped over to us along with the groaning mummy, the werewolf stood next to the vampire as they crowded around me.

“Please don't hurt me.” I pleaded in a small voice, closing my eyes instinctively as they took a step closer, putting my hands up to shield my face.

I ripped open my eyes only to be faced with a sleeping Rayne next to me and sighed with relief before sitting up and shaking her roughly, “Wake up Rayne!”

"Tessa?" Rayne asked as she shot up out her sleeping position, "What-?"

"It happened. I had the dream." I said looking at her wide eyed.

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