"Okay, so we have two options, either we leave now and can spend the rest of today at my house since my parents are still gone, or we can stay here, but all stay together and make sure nothing else happens." Hyunjin put his arm around Jae as he sat next to her.

"Well, I think Byeol should decide. She's the one who's most affected by this." Seungmin sat down at the table and received nods of agreement from the others.

"Okay, so Byeol, do you want to stay or go?" Changbin pulled out the chair next to Seungmin.

"Um, I kind of want to stay. I was really enjoying myself since this is my first time at an amusement park. I'm not going to let some asshole named Yeonjun ruin it for me." Byeol looked around and met everyone's eyes except Jeongin, he was looking down.

"Okay then we're staying! Let's go on the ride that raises you up, and then just drops you!" Minki stood up and everyone followed her out of the shop. Jeongin stayed at the back and walked kind of slow. Byeol noticed this and went to him.

"Hey, are you okay" Byeol stood in front of him but he didn't look up.

"I'm sorry."

"What? Why are you sorry?" Byeol looked at the boy confused before he finally looked up at her.

"If I hadn't suggested that we race each other out, we wouldn't have gotten separated. And then Yeonjun wouldn't been able to do what he did." His eyes were filled with regret as he looked down at the shorter girl.

"Jeongin, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have walked away. We both knew he was there. So if you're going to blame yourself, then blame me too. But can it please wait until we leave the park so that I can enjoy my time here?" Byeol grabbed his hand and smiled as she started walking backwards as she led him to catch up with the others.

Jeongin smiled at Byeol as he nodded his head then pulled her next to him as he hung his arm around her shoulders. They caught up to their friends and got in line for the ride Minki had described.

As they all sat in their seats, the attendants came around to make sure everyone was secured. Byeol reached down and grabbed Jeongin's and Minki's hands since they were next to her. The two smiled at Byeol as she beamed with excitement.

The ride started up and Byeol saw the ground and people around the park getting smaller as her body was being lifted in the air. Once they reached the top of the ride, it stopped. Byeol waited for something to happen, but nothing did She opened her mouth to ask if the ride was broken when she suddenly heard a CLICK and felt herself falling through the air. Byeol's shrill screams filled the air the entire way down and only stopped when she felt herself not moving anymore.

Byeol opened her eyes an noticed she was back on the ground. Her seat restraint released her and she hopped on the ground, her legs wobbling a bit.

"You good?" Jeongin grabbed her arm to keep her from falling over as he slightly chuckled at the girl.

"That was totally wicked!" Byeol suddenly jumped around and smiled at all of her friends. "Oh my gosh I've never felt such excitement!"

"I think we've got ourselves a thrill-seeker, you guys," Seungmin was fixing his hair as he walked to the group.

"You should've seen her earlier. This is her first time with roller coasters right? Well this kid went from the small roller coaster straight to the biggest coaster in the park. She wasn't even phased!" Jeongin smiled at Byeol as she rolled her eyes, but couldn't help cracking a smile back at him.

"What can I say? I loved the thrill. It got my blood pumping, and I've never felt so alive." The girl smiled as she remembered the feeling of the wind on her face and through her hair.

"I think we might have something right up your sleeve. You busy tonight?" Jisung spoke up and Minki gave him a look.

"Well, Jae invited Minki and I to have a sleep over after we played Mario Kart. Why? What'd you have in mind?"

"Not here. We can talk after we get back to Hyunjin's place." Byeol nodded at him and Changbin suddenly spoke up.

"One last ride? It's getting pretty late." Byeol noticed the sun setting and pouted since her fun was about to come to a close.

"Ferris Wheel!" Minki and Jae shouted together as they grabbed their boyfriends' hands and ran towards the giant wheel.

Everyone else followed and stood in line. Minki and Jisung got on first followed by Jae and Hyunjin. Changbin said he wouldn't go without Felix, so he stayed on the ground and Seungmin kept him company, meaning they both sat on their phones until everyone else was done.

An empty cart appeared in front of Byeol and she stepped in, followed by Jeongin. He smiled at the excited girl as the attendant closed and secured the gate. The wheel was suddenly moving at a slow speed, letting all of the passengers enjoy the views offered throughout the ride.

Byeol sat on the edge of her seat and leaned forward on the rail to watch the sunset over the park. Jeongin smiled as he watched the girl he fallen hard for. She turned to face Jeongin and smiled widely at him.

"This is amazing! Just look at how tiny all of the people look!" She giggled as she pointed to the few people scattered around the park. Jeongin chuckled at her cuteness.

The ride stopped all of a sudden and Byeol looked around confused before looking at Jeongin and asking if it was broken.

"It's not broken," he stated with a slight chuckle. "They stop it so that everyone on it has a chance to stop at the top. So right now, Minki and Jisung are at the top of the wheel and after a few minutes, we'll be up there. People say that the best view is on the top," Jeongin pulled Byeol next to him as she sat back in the seat. "But honestly, I think the best view is how cute you look in my sweatshirt."

Her breath hitched as Byeol looked up at Jeongin, her face already a blushing mess.

"What?" Byeol's voice came out as a squeak while Jeongin looked surprised that he had said his last thoughts out loud.

"Um, I said you l-look cute in my sweatshirt." He knew he had messed up and probably scared the girl, but when he saw a smile make its way onto her face, his confidence increased.

"Oh, t-thanks, Innie." Byeol cuddled a bit more into his side as the wheel started moving and stopped again after a few seconds.

Jeongin smiled at the name and wrapped his arm around the girl's waist as he held her close. The rest of their time on the ferris wheel passed quickly and they were soon headed back to Hyunjin's house with the rest of their friends.

Street CredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora