27: Mine

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"You're not avoiding me right?"

"Of course not. Why would you say that?"

"You're lying. We've been friends since we were kids. I know when you lie"

He sighed "Fine. I am"

"I know. Why?"

"I found out that you kissed Celine before"

dO_Ob !!

"You said that at Lia's party. You were drunk"

"W-what else?"

"There's more?"

"No" he cleared his throat "About the kiss... it happened back when you two hated each other. I kissed her without knowing it was her cuz it was dark I couldn't see her face and who would have thought that you would like her"

Deo smiled "I know right? I can't hate her. She's too adorable"

"Yuck dude stop being like that"

Both of them laugh

"Kyle told me that you asked for his advice"

"Yeah. Good thing you're here cuz he's useless"

"Why'd you tell Crystal that you like her?"

"I dunno men I had courage that night to tell Crystal the feelings that I kept for so long, like I don't care if she'll accept it or not unlike before that I'm afraid that she'll reject me that's why I never confessed cuz it's obvious that she likes someone else. I had a feeling that she's reject me that night and I was waiting for it, I wanna see if it'll hurt more than what's Celine doing to me."

"But Crystal didn't reject you"

"I know... I got surprised"

"Do you still like Crystal?"

Deo shook his head a little "No. I don't think so"

"You're not sure? What about Celine?"

"Celine? I like her"

"So you like Celine..."

"I think more than that, I-- she's so different dude I wa--"

"Deo" he stopped him


"Tell Crystal the truth. What you did is wrong"

"I know... I'll talk to her later"

He didn't skip any class but he didn't listen to the lectures as well. He's thinking of different ways to tell Crystal about his situation. He tried to reword them and made up some reasons but all of them are bs. He knows he's a jerk for doing that


"Why did you skipped Math?" Dyle asked Mazekin

"Principal needed my help on something"

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