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[Principal's Office]

"You Two Again?!"

"It wasn't my fault" said Deo and Maze. They had a little duet there

"I'm not even surprise why you're here Deo! But you Celine, this is just your third day and you're already in so much trouble!"

"It's always because of him. I wouldn't be surprised if one day he'll kill me"

"Coming from someone who almost killed me yesterday" he said sarcastically

"Come on, stop exaggerating. It was your fault anyways"

"My fault? Who told you to drive THAT FAST on a parking lot? You're not in a race!"

"Who told you to walk THAT SLOW on a parking lot? That ain't red carpet!"

"STOP! Please!" They both stopped and looked at the Principal "I don't want this to happen again or else I have to call your parents!"

The two left the office with the detention slip. Deo usually don't mind going to detention but not this time because the girl he don't want to see will be there

Instead of going to class, he skipped to sleep peacefully on the rooftop


Mazekin entered the cafeteria, got her food and sit at the table alone

Because of what happened with Dyle and Deo, she's now involved in the two most popular articles on the school forum

1. Fighting with Deo
2. Kissing with Dyle

She can hear all their 'whispers' and she finds it entertaining

"You saw her fight with Deo? It was intense!"

"I know right! It looks like they really hate each other"

"That Celine girl is a slut. She kissed Dyle at the gym"

"She rejected Dyle on her first day then sleep with him the next day"

"What a whore"

Dyle doesn't like what he's hearing "It's not true. We just got stuck, nothing happened"

"It's okey look at her, she doesn't look affected at all" Chan said while looking at Mazekin

"She's just trying to hide it" said Yong

"Let's go eat at her table then"

He was about to stand up but Yong stopped him "Sit down. Don't make it worst for her. If we go eat with her they will hate her more"

He badly wants to sit with her but his friend is right. He'll just make it worst. He already made a mistake this morning and that's enough

He keep looking at her... waiting and hoping for her to look back but she didn't

'Maybe later'

He was hoping to see her on the next class but she didn't attend

"Who else don't have a partner?"

Dyle raised his hand "Me professor"

"Who else are not here today? Oh! Ms. Maze and Mr. Anderson. Tell them you're in the group together for this project"

"Yes prof"

Mazekin didn't attend any class today. She stayed at the rooftop not knowing Deo was there too. She's at the left side, he's at the right

Messing with Mazekin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now