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Knowing that you won't see the person you'd least like to see in the hallway because she's stuck on a storage room Feels Damn Good! That's what Deo is feeling right now. It's weird to see him smiling but that's better than to see him frowning

"We have no volleyball class today, coach had an emergency"

"Really?" He heard the girl talking "That's Great! Thanks for letting me know!" He's happier now, no one's going to help her open that up

"Is he on our volleyball class?"

"No he's not"

Because the coach is out, everyone knows the gym will be locked that's why no one even bothered checking it out just to see if you know... someone is asking for help?


"It doesn't work, you've been shouting for hours. Maybe that's sound proof" she said

"Why would they need this room to be sound proof for?"

"I don't know this school is weird, you see they can't even put another door knob inside"

He sit on the floor, next to her "What should we do?"

"We wait"

1:00 a.m.

"Why did you transferred here?" He asked

She looked at him, she don't like wasting time on a conversation that she's not interested in but she have so much time to waste because she's stuck

"I don't like my old school"

"Do you think this school is better?"

"I got soup on my face the first day. Got stuck in a storage room the second day. What do you think?"

He looked at her. She looked at him.
Then he started laughing

"What's funny?"

"Sorry HaHa it's not funny. I'll stop" he tried "...Pff HaHaHaHa" but he couldn't

"It's ok. Take your time" she said while smiling. She find his laugh adorable

After 2 minutes

"You good now? Don't forget to breathe"

"Haha that was a good laugh"

"I could tell"

"I don't know if you're just unlucky or what. But this one, it's a pure incident nobody wants this. And about yesterday well It just happened that Deo wanted to Bully you. Deo is unpredictable, he bully whoever he wants"

Speaking of Deo...

"What is your relationship with Deo?"

"How come you remember his name but not mine? Is my name really that hard to remember?" He joked around

"He did something really bad to me, how can I forget his name"

"But... do you really have to do that?"

"Do what?"

"I saw what you did earlier" he was talking about what happened on the parking lot "Can't you just forgive him and move on?"


"Look, if you're waiting for him to apologize he's not going to do that. That's not Deo"

"You don't understand. A simple sorry is not enough"

"Then what do you want?"

"It's none of your business"

He chuckled "You and Deo have similarities"

Messing with Mazekin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now