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[Grocery Store]

"Potato chips or tortilla chips?" Crystal asked


Deo promised to help her buy some food and drinks for Lia's party tomorrow night

"What alcohol do you guys preferred?"

"Alcohol? Are we allowed?"

"Yeah, her parents won't be there so it's fine" she put the bottles on the cart "A party with no alcohol is no fun"

"I know... I just got surprised, I thought you don't like drinking"

"I drink but moderately. Hold on, I'll go ask Maria about the snacks"

She's always on her phone, Deo followed looking bored

"Mommy buy me this chocolate milk"

He heard the kid. The chocolate milk reminds him of someone and he couldn't help but smile


"Mazekin dela Pierce"


They shake  hands

"I'm glad to see you. I heard you're going to lay low until we find the mole?"

"I still am but I came here to personally see you. You're that important"

"I'm flattered. Take a seat. Any drinks you like?"

"The same old"

He prepared her drink "What brings you here Mazekin?"

"I wanted to know if you're still on our side after what happened to you and Kiall"

"I honestly don't like that guy. Libero members are arrogant as fuck, they all act superior! they can't deal with people! but you're diff"

"That's why I'm the boss. But don't worry, I already talked to him. It will never happen again, I assure you"

"So who will replace him?"

"I'm not going to replace him, he's my right hand Hectoru you know that. You can trust my word, he won't do such thing again"

He sigh "he better not because I can have him killed anytime"

"Be careful of your words Hectoru. He's still a member of Libero"

"Fine I'm sorry. I just never liked him"

"What can I say? He's a hot headed guy just like you"

"He's worst"

"I will not disagree"


"I'll drop you home"

"No it's okay.  I'll just take an uber"

"No. I insist"

Deo had no choice but to tell her his address. He wanted to talk to her but she's talking to her friend on the phone

"Girl I broke up with him, he's boring and kiss like a kid"

He can hear the whole conversation because it's on a speaker

Speaking of Kiss, he remember that night again. Whenever he hear the word Kiss, Lips, Celine, the kiss that they shared always flashback

"This is where you live?" Crystal asked "You and Dyle live together?"

"It's an apartment. How'd you know?"

Messing with Mazekin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now