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Day 2

🎶 Happy Birthday to you~ 🎶

Mrs. Perez birthday celebration is today. Her whole family's here and also some of her cousins that she dosen't remember are also present. The resort is full of people, it's too crowded

"Hi. Are we cousins?" A guy asked Mazekin

He tried to hit on with a different girl earlier then later found out they're relatives. Their family is that big, they don't know who's who

"I don't think so. I don't know you"

"Great" he extended his hand "My name is Andre and you are?"


"--Not available" said Dyle when he wrapped his arms around her "Babe is he bothering you?"

"No babe, he's about to leave"

"I didn't know she have a boyfriend. I'm sorry" he said before he went upstairs

Dyle immediately took his arm off her shoulder "Sorry about that"

"Why sorry? You helped me out didn't you" she winked "babe"


"Why are you alone here?" Jess asked Deo who's sitting alone in the corner "Where's Dyle and Celine?"

"I don't know"

"Are you okay?"


"You know you can tell me anything"

Deo sigh. 'Should I tell her?'

"I'm good at keeping secrets"

"It's about Celine... I kinda feel awkward around her because of what happened last night"

"Why what happened last night?"

"I talked to her about the kiss"

"What kiss? You guys kissed?"

"Noo~ when I drowned remember?"

"Oh... that's CPR though"

"But her lips touched my lips"

"Still, that's different"

"Yeah... that's what she said"

"It's not a big deal to her, why are you thinking too much about it?

"Not only that... we talked last night and of course I thanked her for saving me and then she hugged me"

"Why did she hugged you?"

"I don't know she's being weird like, I don't understand her you know?"

"What did you said before she hugged you?"

"I said "thank you for saving me, I was really scared, I thought I was gonna die" then she whispered "I will always save you" while hugging me. Weird right?"

"How is that weird?"

"She's not like that. We fight before not hug each other. It's making me feel weird"

"In what way?"

"Like very weird, it's hard to explain but when she hugged me I couldn't move but her hug wasn't tight. And my stomach, I felt like I wanted to puke but not in a bad way if you get what I mean. Also you know the feeling when you feel like there's a danger coming like you get nervous and all?"

"Yeah I get it now. That's normal" Jess smiled "Don't avoid her, she might think that you like her"

"What? No I don't. What are you talking about"

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