Chapter 13

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"How are you feeling today?" You looked over from your seat at the table in Orihime's kitchen. Jushiro was worried so he came to check up on you. You were a bit hesitant at first, but ended up letting him in. You offered him a cup of tea, which he took it gratefully, taking a seat next opposite you by the table. 

"I must be tough what you are going through. I wish you never had to experience this (Y/N)-san." you forced a smile. "I-It's okay, I'm fine." you were lying through your teeth, you just hoped Jushiro didn't notice. You got up to carry your now empty cup to the sink. "Do you want some more tea Jushiro-san?" Your back was turned as you placed down your cup and moved to get the teapot. When you didn't hear a reply from Jushiro, you turned to ask him again. You flinched when he was now standing directly in front of you.

His hands reached down, caging you against the counter. "J-Jushiro?!" you stammered out. His eyes pinned you in place. "You don't have to pretend (Y/N)-san." your eyes widened. "I-I'm n-not.." His palm reached up wiping your cheek. You were startled when you realized tears were running down your face. "I'm crying...." you wanted to pull away and run. You didn't want Jushiro to see you like this. Weak...pathetic.

You were about to push past him, put he held your arms lightly. Jushiro pulled you forward, wrapping his arms around you. Your arms trembled at your side, unsure of what to do. Tentatively, you reached out hugging him tightly. Burying your face into his chest. Your body shook against his and Jushiro welcomed it. Running his hand soothingly down your back.

"You don't ever hide what you're feeling from me. I'll always be here to comfort you (Y/N)-san."

You didn't say a word, but Jushiro knew you understood.

"Thank you Jushiro.."


Ichigo's pov

"What the hell am supposed to do. She can't even look me in the eye. " Ichigo wasn't sure what his next move was. This wasn't what he wanted. Why did he have to lose control. He kept pacing up and down his room.

"Ichigo." The orange haired reaper's head snapped to the front of him. Jushiro appeared before him, using his flashstep. Still in his soul reaper robes, sword attached to his waist.

"We need to talk. " Ichigo gritted his teeth as he stared at Jushiro with venom in eyes. 

"What the hell do you want now!" Ichigo demanded. Jushiro released a sigh. "I didn't come here to fight with you. The only thing I care about is (Y/N)-san." Ichigo's fists tightened. 

 "Are you trying to say I don't care about her."

Jushiro's eyes hardened. "With the way you almost injured her I'm starting to question that myself."

"Shut up!!" Ichigo seethed. He looked like he was ready to fight, but Jushiro didn't back down.

"You may not want to accept it, but you're a danger to (Y/N). I'm sure you realize that much." Ichigo's hands lowered, eyes shaking in uncertainty. "I-I...I never wanted to hurt her.."

Jushiro nodded. "I know you don't, but it's not safe for her to be around you. Who knows what would have happened if she hadn't gotten away from you Ichigo. You need to take into account how she must feel. She's been a target for hollows. To make matters worse, someone she trusted displayed the same traits the monster she fears the most."

"He's right...I can't be trusted to be around her...I'll only hurt her.." Ichigo's eyes wavered.

"What do I do.." Ichigo whispered.

"Leave her in my care, I will protect her." Ichigo felt sick to his stomach. Was he really just going to hand you over to Jushiro. Could he just give you up, just like that?

"H-How do you even know she cares about you like that?" Ichigo quizzed.

"Because, I kissed her." Ichigo's eyes filled with rage.


"That isn't your choice to make."

"You bastard.." Ichigo growled under his breath. He jumped forward to deliver a punch. Jushiro flashstepped, dodging the attack easily. He reappeared behind Ichigo. In a swift move, He grabbed both Ichigo's hands, pinning them behind his back as he slammed  Ichigo against the bedroom door. Ichigo cursed under his breath. If he could get his damn soul out of his body, he would have pummeled Jushiro. He struggled, but Jushiro's hold was strong.

"You told me not to make a move on her yet you did. When I kissed her..she pushed me away." Ichigo smirked at that. 

"That's only because she's with you. If I had asked her out first, are you sure she would have choose you?" the question made Ichigo think. He stopped moving, looking down at his feet.

"She's conflicted, but she does hold feelings for me. If you don't believe me then just ask her yourself." Jushiro stepped back releasing Ichigo.

"I know you will make the right decision Ichigo, just think about it." 

With those last words, Jushiro was gone. Leaving Ichigo to his own thoughts. He was hoping that Zangetsu or even Hichigo would have something to say, some kind of advice to help him. He received nothing but silence. 

They were just as lost as he was. 

(Bleach Fanfic) Jushiro x reader x IchigoWhere stories live. Discover now