Chapter 6

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After Ukitake had left it was just you and Ichigo. "He kissed me." a stupid little smile was on your face as you giggled. He really is a friendly person.

Ichigo was standing watching the spot where Ukitake once stood glaring daggers. If looks could kill that spot on the floor would be dust right now. You honestly didn't know why he was so annoyed.

"Maybe he wanted a kiss on the cheek to." You looked over at him as you took his hand softly. He stared at you. "Did you want a kiss to?" you asked with a tilt of your head. It took him a while to really formulate what you had said.

Ichigo's head exploded as a puff of air escaped his ears. He turned from you quickly covering his lips.

"N-No I-I didn't!!" he hollered. You frowned. "Does he think it's that gross getting kissed by me?"

"W-Well whatever!" you fired back sharply. Ichigo looked taken aback by how aggressive your tone sounded. You brows were furrowed together in anger and he could see a small hint of sadness in your eyes. You turned quickly to get away from him. "Stupid Ichigo..."

Before you could get to far his hand gripped your wrist stopping you in your tracks. He spun you around looking you directing in the eye.

"(Y/N).... " Your eyes widened at the way he was looking at you. "W-What is it?" you spoke shakily. He took a step forward causing you to step back making your back connect with the wall behind you. A small gasp escaped your lips as you tried to avoid looking at him directly. You didn't understand this. His hands came up locking you against the wall as he caged you in.

You took in a shuddering breath when he came closer barely leaving any space between the both of you.

"I-I-I was j-just k-kidding a-about t-the k-kiss Ichigo." you clarified nervously. One of his hands came up resting above your head. You flinched lightly.

" I was lying before.. I want a kiss." he stated. You flushed heart beating erratically as he stared down at you with half lidded eyes.

"I-I can't..." you murmured under your breath. "I-I've never done t-that b-before I-I wouldn't k-know how." you admitted

You felt mortified, telling this to someone was embarrassing enough but Ichigo of all people. That made it worst. You couldn't understand why Ichigo was asking this of you. Surely he knew a lot of other attractive people. Rukia was so elegant and Orihime was stunning. You were just There was nothing grand about you, so why did he seem interested?

Ichigo gazed at the self doubting expression you wore, letting out an angry huff. 

"You're beautiful." he spoke. You looked up in disbelief. "W-What... you think I'm...." you couldn't believe what you were hearing.

His hand moved to caress your face gingerly, causing your blush to darken. "I haven't been able to think straight since I met you." His confession made your heart flutter.

"That's why it pissed me off when I saw you jump on Ukitake like that...don't show other men that smile. I want to be the only one to see that expression on your face." His eyes shifted for a second, a small glint of anger present.

You were speechless, the reason he was frowning so much was because he was jealous..Your brain felt like it was overheating. "All this time he...he liked me.." your body froze as you looked down.

"Why?" you asked in a low tone. Ichigo looked at you confused. "(Y/N) you-"

"Why!!" you demanded causing him to take a cautious step back.

"I-I'm not strong...or brave, as soon as trouble comes my first response is to run yet your saying that y-you.."

"I don't care." Ichigo said flatly. You blinked. " I like you (Y/N) and I'm glad I met you that day in school. " you watched him as he smiled down at you with such a tender expression on his face. His hand slipped into you hair, as he hooked his hand behind your head, pulling you forward. You squeaked, eyes going wide when your lips connected with his. 

Trembling, your hands came up gripping his shirt sleeve. His other hand tightened around your waist, as your legs felt like they were about to buckle beneath you.

"I-Ichigo...." you mumbled when he pulled away. His face was just as flushed as yours as he grinned down at you. "Keh, your not to bad at it after all huh." he quipped.

"Shut up! t-that was m-my first you know!!" you yelled annoyed. He just kept grinning. "It was mine to actually." he whispered still gazing at you.

"How can he be cute and hot at the same time.." you mused. You fidgeted lightly.

"I-Ichigo." you mumbled softly. He gave you his full attention.

"C-Can I have another?" you looked up at him with such innocent eyes he almost fainted.

"Maybe you should let me take lead king." Hichigo smirked.

"No damn way!!"

Ichigo swallowed with a small nod. "S-Sure." He scolded himself for suddenly getting so nervous. You leaned up unto your toes locking your lips with his urgently catching him slightly of guard. Ichigo returned the passionate kiss, a red hue coating his cheeks. Your hands reached up gripping the sides of his collar. You wanted to taste him...

Unconsciously, yours hands moved from his collar going down his chest, when they reach the end of his shirt, your fingers slipped into his shirt. Ichigo's eyes widened, as he pulled back disconnecting your lips. He was panting heavily as he took some steps back. You looked up in slight fear. "I-I-I'm s-sorry I-Ichigo I-I didn't mean t-to-" you were rambling out apologies as Ichigo was trying his best not to ravish you completely. 

He'd almost lost it when he felt your fingers against his skin. The feeling that erupted in his chest, felt similar to whenever the hollow was about to take over. But he was on an equal ground with Hichigo now, he would never take over unless he felt it completely necessary. So what was this carnal feeling couldn't be-

"That's all you king." Hichigo snickered. "Seems your not as oblivious as everyone thinks."

"What are you suggesting exactly." Ichigo suddenly felt frustrated.

"That chick is the one getting you all bothered, don't get snappy with me." Hichigo growled.

"I feel it too Ichigo." Tensa Zangetsu spoke. 

"I know that Hichigo is often the impulsive one but I agree with his original statement earlier. Something about her.....makes you want to....devour her in a sense." Zangetsu sounded almost embarrassed at his own statement.

Ichigo looked at your frantic expression, just realizing he had been zoned out for a while. He grabbed both your hands, stopping you with a reassuring smile. "It's alright, I was just a little surprised that's all. You're a lot more daring than I originally thought." You looked down thoroughly embarrassed. 


"I already told you it was fine no need to worry." Ichigo reassured. He had started zoning out again.

"Zangetsu, when you say devour do you mean.."

Tensa shook his head. "I don't mean in the sense of her soul Ichigo. Her very presence is alluring, I'm at a lost as to how you're still able to even stand around her."

Ichigo was starting to get worried. "So if I stick around her what's gonna happen?"

"I can say you're sure as hell gonna attack her sooner or later."  Hichigo taunted.

"Ichigo." you called. He turned with a hard gaze. "I have to go (Y/N)." you stared at him before laughing nervously. "O-Oh okay." you looked down playing with your fingers nervously.

"Well I-I guess I'll see you late-" His lips came crashing down on you. When he pulled away he rested his head on your shoulder. "I don't think I'll be able to stop if I stay with you.." Your flushed looking down. He smiled when he saw your cute reaction.

"I'll see you at school (Y/N). With a small kiss on your forehead, he left closing the door behind him. You stood there staring. How had this happened? Ichigo had feelings for you this entire time, and you never even noticed. 

(Bleach Fanfic) Jushiro x reader x IchigoWhere stories live. Discover now