Chapter 12

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"Why is this happening to me?" you sat on the bed Orihime made for you. You were thankful she had a guest room. You were terrified to go back to your apartment. You kept seeing that look Ichigo wore when he grabbed you. You shut your eyes tightly, trying to shake the memory.

"It wasn't his fault, h-he didn't mean to attack me." you chanted in your head.

Kisuke offered you a pill that would suppress your reiatsu a little. You took it gladly. Although it wasn't permanent, you were grateful for his efforts. You had enough things going on right now, you didn't need hollows targeting you as well.

"This sorta explains why all those hollows kept attacking me now.." You hands gripped the sheets. You couldn't live like this, dependent on everyone. You were defenseless. To make matters worse, your feelings were in disarray. Jushiro confessed to you while you were already with Ichigo. Then Ichigo turned out to be a Visored, he even tried to attack you. Everything was just happening all at once. You were lost.

"Am I not supposed to be happy?" you sighed heavily. You got off the bed, getting ready to head to school. "No sense sitting around here."


You held your bag at your side moving forward. Cars and people were bustling, everyone to focused on their life to pay attention to anything else. You looked up into the blue skies. For a while, you wanted to forget about everything you knew about Reapers, Hollows, the Soul Society, Ghost and Visoreds. Why did things have to come to this.

~At School~

Ichigo's Pov

"Why isn't she here yet? She should have arrived already. To many thoughts were running through the orange haired teens head, he couldn't help but worry that maybe something happened to you. Ichigo was seated, bag on his desk as he dazed off. Students continued to walk in, taking their seats as they interacted with their peers.

"Quit freaking out, she took the damn pill that Kisuke made. She's fine." Hichigo assured in aggravation.

"He's right Ichigo. She's probably just thinking about everything that's happened. It couldn't be easy for her. (Y/N) is confused and scared. You have to understand how she must be feeling. Helpless." Tensa's words made Ichigo frown.

"It's because of me...If I didn't attack her, she'd probably still be okay. Damn it!!"

"I told you to be careful around her, this could have been avoided if you kept your distance for a while. Maybe Kisuke would have been able to stabilize her when her reiatsu was still minor. You being around her constantly must have triggered something. "

Ichigo seethed. "If I just sat back, Jushiro would have made a move on her!"

"That bastard! If he lays a hand on her, I'll rip his arms right off." Hichigo said darkly.

"Yes, that reaper is a problem. No doubt he's interested in (Y/N)-san as well."

"Like hell we're giving her up to him!!"  Both Ichigo and his hollow counterpart replied.

"I understand what you mean. However, if she chooses the reaper over you, what will you do Ichigo?"

Tensa's question caught him off guard. Ichigo's fists tightened on the desk in front of him. Chocolate eyes gazed at the desk with pain filled eyes. "Then..... I'll let her go."

Ichigo was so caught up in his own thoughts, he failed to notice the worried stares his friends directed at him. Rukia, Orihime, Chad and Uryuu sat watching the male with regret. They couldn't do anything to help him. You walked in with a solemn look on your face. All heads raised when they noticed you. You made eye contact with Ichigo. Eyes wavering, you held his gaze for a couple seconds before looking down. Ichigo eyes shifted to the window. You walked over to your seat, passing Ichigo's desk on the way, keeping your eyes low, you sat down quietly.

Tatsuki and Keigo noticed the exchange, eyebrows raising. "What's going on with those two, just the other day they were all lovey dovey." Tatsuki stated.

"Yeah, did they have a fight or something?" Keigo inquired.

Orihime wanted to say something, but she wasn't sure what to say. "Something like that, w just need to give them some time. They'll work it out." Rukia advised. Unsure of what to say next, they all just sat down watching the pair. 

(Bleach Fanfic) Jushiro x reader x IchigoWhere stories live. Discover now