Chapter 7

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After Ichigo's confession, the both of you had officially began to date. You were as happy as could be. It was a regular school day, and you were on the roof with Rukia and the others having lunch. Your bento was perched in your lap as you untied the floral cloth around it. Ichigo, of course was doing his regular soul reaper stuff. You felt a bit bad you hadn't said anything to Rukia yet, she was still making up excuses every time he disappeared. 

You couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. Tatsuki and Orihime were talking animatedly, Keigo up to his regular antics. Chad sat quietly adding in a word or two every now and then. You smiled to yourself. You never thought you could be this happy, it was really a miracle.

(Y/N)?" you jolted at someone tugging on your sleeve. "S-Sorry, I didn't really hear what you were saying." you laughed as Tatsuki smiled sighing as she released your sleeve. "Geez, quit zoning out, we were just talking about you and Ichigo, Chiziru thinks you guys are dating."

Keigo butted in. "That's crazy! She'd much prefer someone like me rather than that grouch Ichigo." he boasted. you flushed at the statement, stammering you looked down. 

"T-That's, I-I w-w-we-"

"We are." you flinched when a voice suddenly appeared behind you. Your head turned meeting Ichigo's caramel colored orbs as he look down at you. You were pretty sure you stopped breathing when he leaned down placing his lips against yours in front of everyone. Gasps echoed and a few squeals. You were still staring wide eyed when he pulled away. Ichigo eyes lifted, glaring in Keigo's direction.

 "You hear that Keigo, she's mine!" He warned with a raised fist. Keigo backed off laughing nervously. You couldn't believe how possessive he was being. You were still in a daze from the kiss, fingers brushing your lips in thought. Ichigo sat down right  beside you, folding his arms relaxing like nothing happened. Easy conversation filled in after Ichigo's little performance. Chizuru wouldn't stop gushing. Rukia gave you a thumbs up and Orihime was by your side trying to calm down your still very heated cheeks as she fanned your face.

When you finally calmed back down you decided to start eating. You stopped short when you noticed something. "Ichigo, did you forget your lunch?" his eyes turned in realization. "Oh? Yea guess I forgot to pack some." he brushed off. You stared. You looked at your lunch, then to Ichigo, then back to your lunch, then Ichigo. 

A small bead of sweat ran down his head. "I-It's okay, I'll be fine until I get home." you shook your head. "That's not healthy, here, we can share." you held out a piece of omellete on your chopstick for him to eat. He looked at it, fully aware of the numerous amount of eyes now directed at him. With a sigh he took the egg into his mouth chewing. You gazed at him waiting for his feedback on the dish. You had prepared it yourself after all. Ichigo swallowed with a small smile. "It's pretty good, thanks (Y/N)." your eyes lit up.

"Really? You're not just saying that to make me feel good right?" you mumbled. He pinched your nose making you squeak. "Just take the compliment, I said it's good." you held your nose puffing up your lips as you complained cutely . " didn't have to be so mean about it."

"Quit whining, I'm hungry." His eyes were closed as he opened his mouth. You grinned picking up another piece of food as you placed it in his mouth happily. Everyone around was watching at the playful banter that occured as you continued to feed Ichigo. Rukia was smiling. She rarely saw Ichigo with such a look on his face. It was a nice change from his usual expression.

"It's weird seeing him so playful." Mizuiro commented. Tatsuki nodded. "Yeah, I got so use to him scowling all the time. "

"Indeed." Ishida agreed. Orihime was beaming as she shuffled closer to the glasses wearing male. "It's really nice though, I'm glad their both happy." her eyes were glimmering in earnest. Ishida's heart thumped momentarily at the expression she wore. Orihime blinked when she felt a pair of eyes on her. Looking up she tilted her head. "Ishida-kun?" The blue haired quincy flushed, averting his gaze with a cough. Orihime was a bit confused but just brushed it aside. The interaction didn't go unnoticed by Rukia or the others.

"Clueless as ever."  Tatsuki thought with a sigh.

(Bleach Fanfic) Jushiro x reader x IchigoWhere stories live. Discover now