"Then you must know we came up the mountain with five but have only arrived with four... is Misty okay?" Kai asked

"Misty is fine she was taken prisoner by Morro but, they have not harmed her in any way.... yet," Fenwick said.

"What do you mean yet?" Cole asked and he arrowed his eyes at Fenwick

"You'll see..." Fenwick said


Morro was taking off Misty's restraints, but he murmured in her ear "don't try to escape or you'll regret it... Do I need to remind you of what happened last time.."
Misty's face turned pink but said nothing. Morro merely chuckled and walked off to talk to Bansha and the Soul Archer.

Misty turned and looked at Morro hoping to catch proof that Lloyd was really struggling. "Please Lloyd... Come back." She whispered
Then a portal opened and Morro said come along Misty. Misty followed Morro through the portal although with a scowl on her face.


The Ninja after talking with Fenwick and learning about Morro's plan found themselves in a building about to meet the master writer, but what came through the door was no Master writer it was a monster.
And it roared.


Morro, Misty, Bansha, and Soul Archer were talking with a man named Fenwick.
When a boy holding a scroll came running and shouting.

"Master writer! Master writer. It's the Ninja- they're in terrible Trouble!"

"Of course they are..." Fenwick said the boy looked up and saw Morro and standing beside him was Misty, followed by two ghosts.

"What do you mean in trouble?" Misty said and started to walk forward but Morro grabbed her around the waist and pulled her so she slammed into him and he held her against him and placed his hand over Misty's mouth. Do not be shy our new guests and I have made a mutual arrangement my destiny is secure I am afraid the Ninjas are not." Fenwick said turning back toward Morro.

Misty struggled in Morro's hold when she heard this.
The young boy asked, "Where did you send the ninja?"

"I locked them away with Nimbus, I'm sure Nimbus will love his new playthings," Fenwick said

"Now show me to the sword of Sanctuary," Morro demanded
Fenwick nodded and motioned to the trapped Misty "Would you like me to throw her in with the ninja too?"

Misty nodded yes she had to help her friends.
"No, she will stay with me." Morro said, and then added, "Now show me the sword."
Fenwick started to lead Morro to the sword Morro then let go of Misty but grabbed one of her wrists and dragged her along with them of course Misty wasn't going quietly.

"Misty! I swear if you do not be quiet! Tonight will not be fun for you! Though I might enjoy it" Morro growled in Misty's ear.

"You wouldn't!" Misty said

"Would you like to test that theory?" Morro challenged. And added, "If you do not behave you will be spending the night with me do I make myself clear?"
"Crystal," Misty snarled and glared at Morro with a look that could have killed him.

Morro just smirked at her.


Nimbus roared at the ninja.

"I don't think he likes you trying to break his record," Kai said to Jay.
Jay had been playing on the pinball machine a while ago.

"There goes our good first impression!" Cole said Nimbus threw something at the Ninja.

"Is this the Master writer? He's in charge of our density?!" Zane said his voice was back to normal. Kai jerked Zane out of the way just in time.

"Whoever he is, I don't think he's handing over the sword," Kai said
Jay tried to run to the door but it wouldn't open. "It's Locked! Why would it be locked!" Jay screamed

Nimbus grabbed Jay and electricity shot into him. Then Nimbus threw him back. "Okay, so now I know how that feels," Jay muttered

Kai used the toy in Nimbus's room to keep Nimbus from doing anything for fear that Kai would break his toy. As the other ninja ran around looking for a way out.

Cole remembered he was a ghost and was able to free the ninja. But as the ninja ran outside.

Zane said "Look Morro is here with Fenwick! And they have Misty!"

"Traitorous Fenwick I knew I didn't like that snob!" Jay said

"Come on!" Cole shouted


Morro dragged Misty while he was following Fenwick to a very tall building.
"The Sanctuary is on the top floor," Fenwick said Morro dragged Misty through the door and into the building.

The Young boy had followed them there. And he looked over the edge and saw the ninja climbing up the side of the bridge.

"You're alive!" The boy cried happily.

"No thanks to Fenwick!" Kai growled

"Fenwick's convinced there is no way to stop the queen of the cursed, so he's agreed to help Morro only to help himself but he doesn't know you've escaped you have to get the sword of sanctuary or else Morro will have too big of an advantage!" the boy said.

"Tell us where it is! Cole said

"The tallest tower but you must hurry They're already headed there!"

"Then I guess there's no time to take the stairs you thinking what I'm thinking!" Kai said

"Airjitzu!" they shouted and the ninja Airjitzu their way up the tower.

Misty and The Possession (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now