Peek-a-Boo 49

644 8 0

The Ninja had the a scroll that would allow them to learn Airjitzu and they were taking turns trying to use Airjitzu to touch a flag onto of a flag pole.
Kai tried many times but still could not touch the flag.
"Aw..., just short like your temper, Kai... or like Misty." Ronin said he was watching them from a platform.
"Let me try, I'm for sure a better Airjitzuer than you Kai." Jay said smugly.
"Oh, yeah? and when did that happen?" Kai shot back
"Like Now!" Jay shouted at first it looked like he was actually going to make it but then he fell back down to the deck of the Bounty.
"Oh... so close Jay." Misty muttered
"Oh, yeah that was so much better than me." Kai said
"It-- it was." Jay said
Ronin laughed and said "That wasn't Airjitzu that was Fail-itzu or stupid-itzu."
"To master the powers of Airjitzu, we must uplift not put eachother down, Ronin." Wu said
Ronin took a bite of an apple he had and said "You closed shop for a week you got to let me have some fun aren't Nindroids supposed to be precise?"
"These new suits are heavy why can't we just use our old ones?" Kai asked
"These are embedded with deepstone they will protect you from being possessed." Wu explained
"Yeah, well maybe the name Airjitzu isn't uplifting enough maybe we need something more inspiring like cyclone-do!" Jay said
Jay tried again and actually went past the flag and fell back to the deck.
"Missed again!" Ronin said but as Jay fell past him he stole Ronin's snack.
Jay laughed as he landed and said "Cyclon-do." and then took a bite out of his stolen snack.
Misty then jumped up and tried but she fell even shorter than Kai did. She tumbled back to the deck, with an "Oof"
Ronin laughed and her, while Wu said "Try again Misty."
"I'm trying! I can't make it!" Misty said angrily "I'm going to go talk to Misako..." She grumbled and stomped off.
Misty was followed by Wu and the others soon Cole and Nya joined them.
Misako was showing then a slide show explaining things to them.
"Now that both Morro ad you have Airjitzu it's time to turn our attention to this second clue the sword in the cloud.
"Me senses tell me It could be many a swords, There be the fire sword, The sword of Destiny, The golden cutlass." Zane said
He was talking with a pirate accent.
"I thought you said you fixed his voice." Kai said to Jay
"I did." Jay said and then snickered "and then I made it better."
"The sword of invisibility, The sword of Invincibility..."
Kai snickered and said "You're right he is better.
"The blade of ruin." Zane finished
"Aye, Zane and to add to your colorful account, there are many more swords, but it wasn't until Morro and his allies commandeered Nya's Samurai Mech that it all became clear. It's the sword of Sanctuary, protected in the cloud kingdom." Misako said
Ronin chuckled "The Cloud Kingdom? I know every square inch of Ninjago there ain't no place called the cloud kingdom."
"You're right it isn't in Ninjago it's in a parallel realm, that can only be reached through the blind man's eye." Wu said
"The Blind Man's Eye? You mean the powerful storm cyclone above the clouds? But it's altitude is far too high for the Bounty to reach." Nya said
"Unless we ascend the tallest mountain in Ninjago, the wailing alps." Misako said
"Yes the wailing alps when the blind man's eye passed it's peak, you five ninja will jump into the Eye of the storm using Airjitzu to cross over into the Cloud Kingdom to take possession of the sword of sanctuary." Wu explained
"Whoa, Sensei your throwing around some big words here, but I think you got one wrong It's Cyclon-Do not Airjitzu." Jay said
Both Zane and Kai grabbed Jay and shook him.
"So this Sword of Sanctuary that we're after, what makes it so special?" Cole asked
"It's special because reflected within it's blade, you can foresee your opponent's next move." Wu said
"And whoever get' it will have a huge advantage. light's please." Misako said Nya then pushed a button and the lights turned on.
"This is about more than finding the next clue to the Spinjitzu Master's Tomb. This is about saving my son you cannot fail." Misako finished
"Then let's gear up, we have one big mountain to climb." Kai said
As the Ninja we're walking up to the deck, Misty stopped by Misako and said "I'll do everything I can to stop Morro from reaching the sword... I promise and we will get Lloyd back."
"Thank you, Misty... I can see why Lloyd likes you." Misako said
The ninja were standing on the bounty's deck when Jay said "It's getting really cold."
"Freezing if you ask me." Kai said
"Guys we need you down below." Nya said
"Without your mechs you'll never be able to survive the extreme condition's on your own, I've also installed headsets into your hoods for easy communication. Try it out." Nya said
"Tell me Zane how tall is this mountain?" Jay said
"The precise elevation of the wailing Alps be well over three leagues and 28 fathoms." Zane said
Jay snickered and said "Zane's so much cooler."
Remember once you get to the peak, you'll only have one shot to shoot the blind man's eye don't miss." Ronin said
"I don't know guys you had time to practice. Maybe I should sit this one out." Cole said
"Don't even think about it. You maybe a ghost but you're still part of the team." Kai said
"And if it weren't for you getting the first clue we wouldn't even be here." Jay said
"So what are you gonna do Cole? Are you in or out?" Nya asked
"Open the hanger doors!" Cole said
"Opening Hanger doors." Ronin said
Misty didn't have a mech on her own, instead she was hanging on to Zane's Mech for the drop.
""Anyone else getting a tingling feeling?" Jay said
"Yeah-- frostbite" Kai said
Nya pressed a button and the mech's dropped. "Ninja Snow!" all of the ninja shouted
Misty hung on for dear life as Zane's mech plummeted to the mountain.
All of the mechs stuck the landing except for Cole's.
"Cole are you okay?" Kai asked
Jay and Kai helped Cole to his feet.
" Got to work on that landing you sure you want me along I can hardly control my new body, let alone this piece of Metal?" He said
"Hey we all have our bad days, we'll pick you up so next time up so next time you can return the favor." Jay said
"Jay be right the only way we're getting up ye mountain is if we be a hearty crew." Zane said
"This isn't about who's a ninja a nindroid, or even a ghost above all else, we're brothers, and as iron sharpens iron, brother sharpens brother." Kai said
"All right brothers let's do this." Cole said and the mechs started walking up the mountain.
"You forgot about a sister too... gee you guys always forget about me..." Misty complained
"Sorry, Misty... it's just that before the tea you were always a lot younger than us like Lloyd and we forgot about you sometimes." Jay said
Misty muttered some insults but said nothing else.
"Not so bad if you get the hang of it." Cole said as they walked
"This sword of Sanctuary do you really think you can see all your opponent's attacks? If we had that power, not even Morro could stop us." Jay said
"But if Morro gets to it first nothing would stop him which is why we cannot fail we just have to keep climbing... Zane how much further is the top." Kai asked
"Thar be a long way. at least a hundred thousand steps up." Zane said
"A hundred Thousand!" Kai said "Good thing I'm not counting.."
"267, 268, 269, 270. 271, 272, 273...." Jay said then he stop and said "oh look a little goat."
"That's not a goat! Don't you remember we rode one of those." Kai said
Misty snickered remembering the experience
"It's got horns it's a goat." Jay said
"Even giraffes have horns and that's at a goat it's a yak." Kai augured
"A yak? Now way maybe it's a cow."
"I'm about to have a cow." Kai grumbled
Zane stopped his mech and looked down there was foot prints. Misty jumped down and look at the more closely.
"Argh, look tracks." Zane said
"Maybe another yak." Kai said
"Or a Cow!" Jay added
"I don't think so." Misty muttered
"Pixal has analyzed ye tracks we be not the first ones to climb ye past today." Zane informed
"You don't thinks it Morro?" Kai said
"Who else is crazy enough to be at this altitude if he's ahead of us we're bound to cross paths?" Jay said
A wailing sound was heard
"What's that sound?" Cole said
"Wind gust anchor down." Zane shouted Misty quickly created a crystal spike that grew from the ground and he grabbed onto it.
"Hold on everyone!" Kai shouted
Misty had practically curled around the spike to stay anchored.
But the mechs blew down a few feet and Cole's was nearly falling off the mountain.
"I can't hold on!" Cole shouted
Zane used a grappling hook and caught Cole's mech.
"That was close is owe you one." Cole said
"Come on there's still a lot of mountain to go." Kai said
As Zane passed the shivering Misty he reached down with his mech and picked her up by the hood and placed her back on the mech's shoulder.
"Thank you Zane..." Misty said through chattering teeth.
"We didn't forget about ye this time matey." Zane said
"So they are following us." Morro said
"We are too far ahead the they'll never catch us." Soul Archer answered
Morro grunted in pain.
"What is it Morro?"
"Lloyd's spirit continues to fight my possession he's getting stronger." Morro explained
Bansha Hissed and said "you have already lost the Allied Armor we can not fail to secure the sword of sanctuary."
"We could go faster if you abandon Lloyd's body these winds don't affect us ghosts." The Soul Archer said
"Our Master would want us to---" Bansha started to say but Morro cut her off.
"The Preeminent is not here I am, and need I remind you only a Spinjitzu Master can find the tomb if I leave Lloyd's body now the sword would be useless, Our Master sent me to find the tomb, so until she's free you serve me! understand!" Morro shouted
All the ghost said "Yes Morro."
"At least let me slow them down, you summoned us for a reason."
"Very well send them a message something they'll hear loud and clear." Morro said

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