Talking with a Spirit 47

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The Ninja team all agreed that Misty should go have a breather. They would contact her when they had found a job. Misty agreed and walked out of Stiix and up a mountain with a cherry blossom tree at the top. When she got to the top she noticed that there was a fire already lit. She walked over to it and muttered "odd." She bent down and touched the ash from the fire.

"I wasn't expecting to have a guest." a voice said
Misty went ridge she recognized the voice of Morro, she turned around but before she knew it. She found herself flat on her back with Morro pinning her to the ground on top of her.

"I have to admit this is a very pleasant surprise, I actually dying to see you, Misty," he said looking down at her with a smile, he had her trapped then Morro winced and Misty noticed that he didn't seem to be doing so well.
"Not feeling so great are we?" she said sneering "Now that I think about it you're looking a little green..."

"The Armor weakens me and your Lloyd is fighting my possession at the same time. He seems to get more restless when I'm near you..seems to me that Lloyd doesn't want me anywhere near his sweet Misty." Morro said and looked amused, he reached his hand out and gently cupped the side of Misty's face in his hand.

"Well let Lloyd know I'm terribly sorry, I didn't plan on running into you! When I came up here!" Misty said and she slapped Morro's hand away and she struggled.

"You can tell him yourself... I'll let you speak to Lloyd shortly... after all, I have no problem with you Misty just the people you ally yourself with," Morro said
Misty narrowed her eyes but she watched as Morro seemed to shake his head slightly and Lloyd's voice said "Misty?"

"Lloyd! it's you! It's really you!" Misty said happily and she gently reached up to hold the side of Lloyd's face.

Lloyd nodded weakly and helped the female ninja to her feet.

"Morro is still inside... and I can try to hold him off for as long as I can... if there is anything good about Morro is that you seem to be his weakness to a certain point." Lloyd said but then grimaced and said, "You need to get back to the others."

"But Lloyd this is the first time I've gotten to talk to you..." then Misty's face turned angry and added, "Since the last time you blasted me into the air!" Misty said when she remembered Lloyd sending her skyward during their last encounter, while the Master of Wind was still possessing him.

"I had to keep you safe Misty I don't want Morro to have you," Lloyd said

"And I don't like him having you!" Misty said and she shook her head sadly. "Plus the team is taking turns in who gets to lead! It's a disaster! Without you! By the way, just so you know, Kai's a terrible and I mean terrible negotiator."
Lloyd actually chuckled but then frowned and winced and said "Morrows going to be back in control in a little bit. Please Misty leave now and go back to the others."

"I will I promise," Misty said and she kissed Lloyd on the cheek.

"Well this is nice isn't it." Morro's voice said he was back, Misty then quickly pushed Morro away from her."

"Gah, that kiss wasn't meant for you!" Misty scowled

"Listen Misty you're not going to tell the other ninja anything that happened unless you want Lloyd to go through more pain than he already is... and if you tell them I will know," Morro said

Misty glared at Morro but nodded and walked down the mountain. When she was walking back into Stiix's she saw the ninja talking to a man at the dock.

"We've got a job," Kai said

"That's great," Misty said and smiled

"How was your break do you feel a bit more spirited?" Cole asked

"You could say that," Misty said and she looked back at the mountain she knew Morro was standing on, watching the town below.

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