Chapter 6: Breakup

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Chapter 6: Breakup

December 1, 2012

Jenna woke up in Josh’s arms once again. It was a regular occurrence, actually. And although Jenna couldn’t disagree with the great sex she was having, there was something about this relationship that had her uneasy.

She sighed and rolled towards Josh, looking him in the face. When he was asleep, he looked nothing like the jerk he could be when he opened his mouth.

‘Friends with benefits,’ Jenna thought, that’s all that they were, nothing more, and nothing less. Except for the fact that Josh admitted that he’s never treated a woman he was sleeping with as well as her.

She actually got gifts once in a while and flowers sent to work. It was awkward trying to explain to her coworkers who the flowers were from. She didn’t want to say ‘boyfriend’ because he wasn’t.

But what was she supposed to say, ‘Oh, it’s just from the guy who I’m sleeping with’? Yeah, that would go over real well.

Josh shifted in his sleep, in the beginning of the relationship, if you could even call it that, Jenna told herself she was just doing this to get Josh out of her system.

That was like saying to avoid the temptation of alcohol, let’s go drink it until one couldn’t drink anymore. All it gave you was a quick buzz then hell in the morning, which was exactly what Jenna was experiencing.

She was a grown woman; it wasn’t like she was doing something wrong. She wasn’t religious, so she wasn’t feeling guilty about that. So why was Jenna feeling so… despondent about all of this?

Maybe it was because every time she snuggled into Josh’s arms for the night, she could hear her late mother’s voice inside her head.

“Jenna,” she’d say, “men only want one thing, and that’s a treasure only someone you love should experience. A man won’t buy a cow if he can get the milk for free.”

When Jenna was sixteen, when she’d first heard it, she actually thought her mother was calling her fat. She thought her mother was calling her a cow and insisting that she lose weight so that men would find her attractive.

How ignorant she’d been! What her loving mother was trying to say was that the ‘milk’ was her private bits, in a crude way of saying.

And like the saying went, why would a man ‘buy’ or marry a woman when he could get the ‘milk’ or sex, for free? To say Jenna had an epiphany was an understatement.

That’s when she made up her mind to stop this thing going on with Josh. It might hurt her, especially since the jackass of a man was actually burying his way into her heart, but she was better than this!

She was the Ice Bitch! Her heart was made of steel, dammit! She would get over Joshua McTerry eventually.

With that, Jenna got up and looked around for the clothes that got tossed around the night before. To think, Jenna had actually wasted two weeks of her life on this man!

When Jenna was dressed and about to leave, she heard Josh waking up behind her. She sighed; she was hoping that she could leave before he woke.

The fact that she would have to look into his blue eyes and explain that she wanted nothing to do with him sexually, was going to be hard; especially when he was gloriously naked.

“Jenna Love, where do you think you’re going?” Josh asked her as he stretched. She kept her eyes above Josh’s shoulders so Jenna wouldn’t be tempted to look at his wonderful muscles bunch and stretch.

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