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It is funny how fate seems to deceive us.


Shaofei walked through the door to Tangyi's mansion unbothered. None of Tangyi's men was obstructing Shaofei in anyway like they expected Shaofei to come at that exact moment. But then again maybe Tangyi did know he was coming. Expecting him even. It was all the more reason for Shaofei to be cautious.

Shaofei passed the living room, he looked at the kitchen, both rooms empty of Tangyi. Shaofei only knew another place he would find his target. The 2nd floor, the bedroom, where they had all their memories together.

Shaofei couldn't help but sneered.

'It is just like you, Tangyi, to think about deep stuff like this. Ending it where it all started, right?'

Shaofei held his gun in his hand, loaded, ready to shoot at any given moment. He made up his mind to ask Tangyi once when he sees him. He wanted to know the reason behind all the pain Tangyi had put him through. After the love the professed to each other, what has gone wrong?

Shaofei was going to give Tangyi one chance to explain but no forgiveness was going to follow that. Tangyi still has to die in his hand like how he had killed his daughter, their daughter.

Reaching the 2nd floor, Tangyi's bedroom was void of light except for several flickering fire that could be seen from the other side of the door. Shaofei mused, what kind of fucked up idea Tangyi is thinking about right now.

Shaofei held his gun high, and reached for the door knob.

--the door creaks--




Dear Mama


If Shaofei tried to forget before what day it is today, he is now suddenly forced to remember the very thing he tried to forget.

"Happy birthday, Shaofei."

Tangyi smiles. How dare he.

But what caught Shaofei attention was the giggles which followed Tangyi's voice.

The fire-lit candles and the birthday cake was displayed neatly on the table at the edge of the bed. The light illuminated Tangyi who was seated on the bed with a little girl on his lap.

Tangyi seemed to caught on.

"Leia, wish Mama a happy birthday."

Shaofei's gaze moved from Tangyi to the little girl on his lap.

"Mama, 'ppy day!"

The little girl clapped her little chubby hands happily and Shaofei looked back up at Tangyi.

Shaofei couldn't move. His body had seemed to be paralyzed once again like that first night he woke up from two months coma. The difference is the painful tears running down Shaofei cheeks, he didn't know if it was from happiness, fear, shock, disappointment or anything else. It was from everything and Shaofei didn't seem to have anymore strength to point his gun to Tangyi. He lowered it down.


The little girl called once again. Shaofei still couldn't move. Although he flinched when Tangyi made the move to get off the bed, little girl in his arms. Shaofei wanted to run, wanted to shoot Tangyi dead, wanted to do everything else but his body didn't seem to be obeying his order at all. Instead he tearfully looked at every movement the little girl called Leia made as Tangyi brought her closer to him.

"I think Leia missed you, Mama..."

They were now one feet apart and Tangyi made the move to remove the gun from Shaofei's hands all the while handing Leia into Shaofei's arms. Leia chirped happily.

"Mama! 'ppy day fuuuhhh!"

All of Shaofei's senses were numbed as he watched the figure in his arms moved animatedly without a care in the world.

"Leia wants you to blow the candles..."

"Oh... Right, okay baby, we'll blow the candles, alright."

Shaofei willed his wobbly legs to take little steps towards the bed and sat down with Leia close in his arms.

After the past two years dreaming of 'what ifs', Shaofei felt his previous birthday wishes had been granted all at once today. The only thing left to wish for is for this moment to last forever. Shaofei knew it was not the least bit possible.

Shaofei opened his eyes and stared lovingly at Leia who still animatedly giggled and clapped at anything and everything. Tangyi broke the silence between them.

"It's almost her bedtime. You should give her milk before she sleeps. Just leave everything else here, they'll be taken care of in the morning."

Tangyi placed Shaofei's gun on the table near the door and with one last wave of goodbye to Leia, he left.

Do not get Shaofei wrong. He still wanted to kill Tangyi that night. But Leia's calm breathing against his chest was lulling him to the deepest sleep he had since he woke up from a coma. And so he succumbed to the temptation and slept alongside his daughter that night.

Shaofei finally, finally, found a home.

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