Stress Reliever - (Germany × Chill!Reader)

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A/N: Your just 'Chill'. I wouldn't say your a 'slob' here tho. It meant in other way.

Oh and your a female here, don't worry. You sounded like a boy here cuz you always call your roommates "Bros" but your a fem so yeah.



Germany's POV

Oh dear. The deadline of these paperworks will be in a few days! I should've been finshed by now. I fastly but legibly sign the paperworks and made sure I didn't miss a blank. This is stressing me out and its literally 2AM. I groaned knowing I can't finish this in a few days.

Your POV

I was walking across the rooms with my hands in my hoodie pockets. I was just finished eating my midnight snack without getting caught and right now I'm heading for my room. You might be asking, why am I still awake at this hour? Well, I mostly sleep during afternoon than night. I'm an all nighter tbh. Everything is dark but luckily I got used to it, I can see anything in the dark now. I was quietly whistling a tune but a light from a room caught my attention. I gave a confused look as I walked close to it.

I peeked in to see Germany scribbling here and there. His eyeglasses crooked, eyebags noticable, shirt slightly unbottuned and his face looks like its gonna drop in a second. Man, this guy is so workaholic. We barely never spend time together because of his stressy brain tryna focus everything on work.

I sighed as I walked in and towards him. He didn't seem to notice me walked in as he continued to sign quickly. I put my hands on his shoulders gently. He tensed up and got a little startled. I leaned my head on his shoulder "Germany bro. You gotta stop for a few hours and rest. Your stressing yourself out." I said as I slightly massage his tensed shoulders. He relaxed a little and sighed. "I can't rest. These paperworks are important." He said. "But isn't a being's health is important too?" I asked. He didn't seem to answer as he continued to sign the papers. I giggled thinking that he just didn't know what to say and I felt his face heat up little.

I gently sneaked my hands around his neck and took his pen away from him. "Hey!" He said and reached for the pen. "No, Germany. You need to rest. Now" I said and got off of him. "But the--" "No Buts mister. You better lay your a$s on your bed before I do something about it" I said mentally laughing at what I just said and tucked my hands in my pockets. "Fine" He huffed and marched up on is bed and lay down on it. His eyes are still wide open. I looked at his desk to see his mug is empty. Seems like he drank too much coffee then. I sighed "I'll grab you a glass of milk" I said and headed out to grab him a warm glass of milk.

Once I headed back. I saw him on his desk again, signing more papers. I annoyedly sighed and slapped my forehead. I walked up to him and took his pen. He seemed surprised. "I told you thats enough paperwork." I said as I handed him the glass of milk. "Go on. Drink up. It'll help you fall asleep." I said as he took it, walked up to his bed and drank the whole glass. I watched him
get sleepy and lay down on his bed as his eyes close shut. I walked up to him and test him if he's still awake. I stuck out my tongue and seperated my pupils, as if I'm trying to tease him.....which I am. He didn't budge which is a sign that he's asleep.

I was relief that he finally took his rest. I gazed at the stack of papers on his desk. Welp, its time to deal with those using my fast hands. I may be chill all the time but my hands are quick and gentle, perfect for signing paperworks like in this situation I'm in right now. I took a pen and sat on his desk. I tested my handwriting on a sheet of paper, and its still good. Time to start. I quickly sign paper to paper but I made sure my signature is legible and clean.

~5 hours later~

I stretched my arms as I finished the last paperwork. I looked at Germany to see him still asleep. He must've never slept for a week. I stood up and kissed his forehead. I put my hands on my hoodie pockets as I exited his room and headed for the kitchen to cook breakfast for the roommates.

I put on my apron. Soon, I was mixing ingredients to make a fluffy pancake batter. "Hey (Y/N)" said behind me which is Russia's voice who drank water. "Sup bro" I said as I continued making pancakes.

Germany's POV

I woke up by the birds chirping. I looked at the time to see its 7 AM. I yawned but stop mid way when I remember that I have paperworks to finish. I suddenly stood up quickly and frantically rushed to my desk. I paused as I saw clean and perfect signatures. This must be (Y/N)'s signature. I checked all of it to see its all done. I rubbed my eyes if I'm dreaming or not. How did she finish these in a few hours?? I then smelled pancakes downstairs. I headed downstairs to see (Y/N) cooking breakfast. I sneakily walked up to her and hug her from the back as a thank you. "Oh hey dude. I see your awake" she said.

"Yeah. Thank you so much, (Y/N). I would've been stuck awake forever if it wasn't for you" I said as she giggled. "Uhuh. You would've been dead" she said. I chuckled. Little did I know, there are two people glaring at me from the dining table in jealousy.

~Time Skip~

I submitted the papers to the agent who came here to collect it. He checked it, as he did he nodded in approvement. "Good job. I will now go and give this to the rightful owner. Thank you for your cooperation, sir" he said and left. I sighed relievely knowing that He wouldn't kill me.

I smiled. Thanks to (Y/N), I wouldn't have to worry about paperworks anymore.

'She's a stress reliever...'

???'s POV

After a 2 weeks of waiting, I finally recieved the paperworks I gave to him but when my agent gave it to me, the signatures aren't from Germany. It was non other than (Y/N)'s beautiful signature. I smirked.

'Looks like I'm gonna pay someone a visit...'


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