That's why I'm deciding to write to you as I wanted this news to reach you through only me. I'm so so sorry, I wish you the best of luck with everything, send my biggest love to Brian and the rest. I'm sure I'll be seeing you all very soon with Queen's success, you must see me when they have the opportunity to tour the states (which I am most definitely sure will happen very soon!!!), make sure you join them. Don't worry about the apartment, I don't suppose you'll be staying? I'm sending over some money for the next month, please write back to me and let me know! I don't want you stuck paying for that shithole.

I love you my sweet best friend, please be careful when you open the gift I've sent to you, don't want you ripping it haha.

All the best, America's Stella. Xxxxx'

My eyes blinked quickly as I read over the letter again and again until it made the least bit of sense. This was not what I was expecting whatsoever, after what I'd been feeling this past month and a bit, I'd been craving for some good news on my behalf.

The movement in my hands faltered as I sat myself down on the sofa, the home of many pointless late night talks with Stella, who after reading this letter, I perhaps wouldn't be seeing for years. The package that she'd sent with the letter lay on my lap, dropping over my leg slightly while my fingertips rested on the sides after I'd placed the letter beside me on the space of the soft seat. I didn't rip at the package, I handled it carefully, immediately noticing the pattern, this was the jumpsuit type outfit I'd worn for her photo shoot that day, the one we'd had that arm wrestle over, the reason why I'd focused on creating a piece of artwork for her which ended up taking months until she actually got it from me. I chocked a little at the sight of the material, I couldn't help but smile at it, that day, the beginning of her success that she was now sending to me with love.

A single tear fell from my eye and ran all the way down my cheek until the droplet of salty water landed upon the item of clothing that I adored the second I'd laid my eyes upon that day years ago.

There was also a Polaroid of us in this very apartment - I remembered that day, just a few months ago before one of our days out with the boys - Freddie had taken the picture.

There was also a Polaroid of us in this very apartment - I remembered that day, just a few months ago before one of our days out with the boys - Freddie had taken the picture

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God, I miss her already.

All the days out with Freddie, the three of us in the beginning where we only had each other, they helped me deal with the pain of not having Roger in my life, helped me develop as a person, they helped me learn to have fun, to enjoy myself. All the boys would miss her wit, charm and humour I was sure, Brian mostly, who I knew would be quite shocked and rather disheartened after having such a blossoming romance with her.

There was also notes of money tucked at the bottom of the package, useful, but what was I going to do? The thought of having to work much harder was something that I did not want to do, I'd have to completely let go of having a social life, doing what I wanted, working on my Graphics, all gone. A second con of remaining in the apartment would be feeling of isolation that I'd been feeling recently, my intense procrastination when I didn't have Stella in the place bossing me around and visa versa.

You're My Best Friend  • Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now