Hospitals and Needles

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If there's one thing people don't understand, it's that I'm truly autistic. At one time, I was at the hospital for chest pains. They said I had a fever, and they wanted to give me an IV I guess. That didn't go over well at all either. The nurse sat down the IV stuff, causing me to literally fly off the bed in total meltdown mode of heavy sobbing and screaming.

It was so bad that my mom told her about me being autistic. The nurse became totally ignorant by saying, "but she can speak..." and that's when my mom went off on her. Then the nurse was going to have two security guards come in to hold me down and sedate me or something. So, my mom drew the line and said we were leaving. We refused treatment that same night and walked out.

That's only an example of the constant mistreatment I get. You would think nurses and doctors would have a better idea of varying disabilities. If someone is literally terrified of needles, you don't pull out another needle to sedate them because that's only worsening the situation. They have no reason to tell you all they can do is sedate you with a needle. I find that hard to believe, especially if the fear is severe enough to need another solution.

I don't understand how people can be so ignorant. It makes it hard for people who have a wide range of problems. It doesn't matter if a person can speak or not either. If someone is having a legit panic attack or meltdown, why make it worse for them? Why make it harder for them to deal with that fear?

Ever since then, I have always had an even stronger fear of hospitals and needles. I can't even deal with blood work anymore. It makes me so nervous just thinking about all of those needles going into my skin. I really wish people would do more for someone who is disabled. They should have special accommodations for them or something. When someone has a disability then they are probably going to be as scared as a child usually is too.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 01, 2014 ⏰

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