T - The Snap

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Rated: Teen

Trigger warnings are always applied! Read at your own risk!

Summary: The Henry Danger Infinity War AU you didn't know you needed until now.

Also, it's one am and I'm probably never going to edit this so sorry about any grammar mistakes.


It started without warning, well the Hero League had a warning, they just didn't think Captain Man and Kid Danger should've had one. Henry remembered where he was when it first happened, on patrol with his boss.

They were traveling on foot, Henry running in the streets below as Ray leapt from rooftop to rooftop. The superheroes were only a few minutes into patrol when the first group of civilians disappeared and their city was thrown into chaos. Henry watched in horror as ordinary civilians vanished as their ashes were blown away in the wind. "Captain Man, what's happening?" Henry asked turning to face where his boss was. His mentor landed on the pavement bbefore answering.

"I have no clue, let's get back to the -" Henry watched as Ray's arms began to turn to ash cutting off what he was about to say. Ray fell to one knee and Henry met him at the ground.

"No, you can't leave me! You can't leave Swellview alone!" Henry shouted at his boss ignoring all of the rioters around them. Ray smiled as the rest of his body turned to dust. He reached towards Henry with his one good arm then said,

"I'm not leaving Swellview alone, I'm leaving it with you." Henry could only watch as he felt his mentor dissolve in his hands, Captain Man's mask was the only evidence the superhero existed. He felt himself start to cry then forced him to stop. He could mourn later, right now he needed to figure out what the hell was going on in his city. Henry stood clutching Captain Man's mask in his fist then ran from the last place he saw his boss.

"Kid Danger!" Someone shouted at him, Henry stopped using his hyper motility and looked up to see half of the Thundertwins standing tall on the pavement across the street from where Henry was standing. Max bypassed the crosswalk and walked straight through the street. "I'm so glad we caught you!" Max said, Henry looked behind the teen and saw more of his civilians being turned to dust.

"What's happening?!" Henry shouted over the loud chaos. "None of our villains can do something to this caliber." Max nodded,

"It wasn't a Swellview villain. This was from a villain named Conqueror." Henry widened his eyes as he realized he forgot about his family.

"I'm going to my house!" As he turned around though Max grabbed his arm.

"They won't be there!" She shouted, he twisted his arm out of her grasp then growled,

"Not if I can help it." With that he ran towards his childhood home. When Henry made it to his house he saw five people through the window and breathed, but as he opened the door that number was cut down to two remaining people.

"Henry, what's going on? Where's Captain Man?" Charlotte asked as she and Jasper stood at the pile of ashes in shock. Henry silently tossed Ray's mask onto the table and Jasper gasped,

"He disappeared? Like your mom, dad, and Piper did?" Henry nodded then Charlotte sat on the floor. Henry turned to her then asked,

"Charlotte what are you doing?" In response she held up her arms which were disintegrating at a faster rate than Ray's were. Henry tore off his mask and knelt down next to his friend, Jasper met him on her other side.

"I dont - " she choked out grabbing his arm in a steel like grip, " - I don't want to go Henry." Henry allowed tears to fall as his friend's grip loosened and Charlotte's body disappeared. When she was nothing but a pile of ash Henry growled deeply, Jasper looked up at him.

"What are we going to do?" Henry couldn't bring himself to answer, but a voice sounded behind them.

"We fight," Max said standing behind them with his twin and Veronica the Wall Dog. Henry glanced at the pile of ashes that used to be his family,

"What if there's nothing left to fight for?" Max mad an animalistic growl sound before saying,

"The dick took my family. There's going to be hell to pay." Henry nodded then walked to the table and placed Captain Man's mask on his face.

"So," he said facing their small group of heros. "What are we waiting for then? Let's find out where Conqueror is and get our families back."


Yeah you read that right. I killed literally everyone in the Nickverse for the soul purpose of the fact I like to torture our boi. Don't judge me. This will probably not be continued, if you wish to continue it DM me and we'll talk. :)

Hope I made you cry! :)

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