A - Acrophobia

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Rated T

Trigger warnings are always applied!

Ages: Season One ages

Notes: These are probably going to be between 500 - 1,000 words. All one-shots take place on their own unless specified by me.

Summary: Acrophobia, the fear of heights.

It was his first mission as Kid Danger and boy was Henry excited. The sidekick wouldn't stop bouncing his leg the whole way from the Man Cave, and he could tell it was driving Captain Man insane. "Sorry Captain Man," Henry apologized as they climbed out of the Man Van, "it's just, this is my first real superhero assignment!" His boss nodded then told him the mission,

"there's a couple of Wall Dogs in there that have been causing trouble for the Swellview Police, they want us to take care of it." Henry nodded then followed the superhero inside the warehouse.

One gang fight and two arrests later Henry suddenly found himself on the roof of the warehouse watching the criminals fly towards the county jail in a police helicopter. Henry would've basked in the glory of taking down two Wall Dogs, but when he looked down it seemed all of the air was sucked out of Henry's lungs. He couldn't breathe so Henry fell to one knee to try to brace himself. He was like a fish out of water, everything started to blur blinding him. "Captain Man I -" he took a couple of quick short breaths then felt someone grab his shoulder, Henry flinched away, his flight mode was starting to take over. "I have to - I have to leave." There was another voice there with him, he wasn't alone.

"Come on Kid, stay with me. Breathe." Henry tried to focus on the voice, the police sirens and city noises weren't helping much though. He paused his hyperventilating then took a slow breath in through his mouth. "There you go, nice and slow," the voice said in relief. Henry started to breathe normally again when his eyes refocused he realized they were already in the Man Cave.

"Thanks, Ray," Henry said. Ray nodded,

"no problem. Why didn't you tell me you were afraid of heights?" Henry lowered his head before answering,

"superheroes aren't supposed to be afraid of heights." His boss just laughed, the teen couldn't help but look up surprised.

"What are you talking about? You're Captain Man, you're not afraid of anything!" Ray chuckled then said,

"Henry, it's okay to have fears while being a superhero. You just have to learn how to control your fear before it controls you." Henry nodded then left his work to return to his house. After all, it was his night to make dinner.


I know this was rushed I just need to get my feet wet then they'll be longer. Promise :)


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