E - Electricity

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Total Word Count: 499

Summary: Henry looked down at the kindergartner in front of him as he tried to answer her question... "What's it like to be fast?"

Note: I'm basically using the Flash's description of the Speed Force from the CW cause Henry's Hyper Motility is basically super speed. Also, musical episode anyone?

It was a routine partrol before they caught wind of the burning building. Henry smiled at Ray then shot off like a bullet running faster than the speed of light towards the building. He beat Captain Man there so he approached the firefighters trying to put out the flames. "What happened?" He asked, one of them turned around to answer.

"Kid Danger, thank God you're here. We thought we got everyone out, but a mother's missing her daughter. The building's too unstable for our men to get through, we were hoping you could find her." Henry nodded and braced himself before racing head first into the fire.

"Kid, what the hell are you doing?" Ray asked him through their radio units. Henry tapped his com while trying to concetrate on not falling to his death. The girl was supposed to be on the third floor of the apartment building, but the floors were almost all caved in. 

"I got this Captain Man, I'm the only one fast enough to get her out alive." Captain Man didn't respond so Henry turned his attention to the burning rubble ignoring the searing heat. He called out, "hello, is anyone trapped?!" He head someone scream to his left so Henry grabbed onto the fallen cabenit's door handles and pried the doors open. Once again he was greatful for Schwoz thinking to upgrade his suit to be fireproof. "It's okay, I'm here to help." Henry said crouching low. He looked around them and saw the fractures in the building were about to crumble. "Grab my hand!" He shouted, the girl did as he said and Henry carried her as he ran like lightning out of the building. Once they were by the first responding police officers he let the girl get down. She hugged him then asked,

"Kid Danger, what's it like to be fast?" Henry froze. In all honesty he never really thought about it before. But being fast was amazing, whenever he ran he could feel electricity coursing through his veins. Henry smiled and knelt down,

"it's awesome. Now, go run to your mom. I'm sure she's scared for you." The girl nodded and ran to hug her mother. Henry felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned around to see Captain Man.

"Do that again and your fired, you know better than to rush into a crime scene without casing it first." Henry just smiled,

"you and I both know that girl would be dead if I didn't run ahead of you." Ray nodded then wrapped his arms around Henry in a hug.

"I'm glad you're safe Kid, let's go back to the Man Cave." Henry nodded and followed his boss to the Man Van.

A-Z Henry DangerWhere stories live. Discover now